Chapter 17

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"I don't want lovey dovey," I began and wondered if I should tell them that it perhaps stemmed from not ever have been shown affection in public before. I considered what they were asking and tried to figure out how to phrase it. In the end I muttered to myself to just say it and while looking at them explained that I enjoyed the small things they did. The looks of confusion that got me was almost comical but I groaned in exasperation and continued to explain. I told them of when they would allow their hands to linger, kiss the top of my head when carrying me, having me sit in their laps when watching movies or playing video games. The blush that had begun at the tips of my ears burned its way down my neck and over my face the more I explained and when they were both smiling I shut up.

Things were quiet for a while when I asked quietly for their thoughts on how things would work after my foot was better. "You could just stay," Raph immediately replied in a brusque manner sounding as if any other response would be taken as a personal insult. For a moment I stared at him but turned away. "We just got her Raph, we can't ask her to move in with us so soon," came Leo's chastising remark but it was half-hearted and pained. I pulled my good leg up and felt like crying. How was I suddenly the bad guy here? It's not unreasonable to ask for this to proceed slowly is it?

Then van slowed and came to a stop then and I couldn't see a thing outside of what the headlights lit up. Those were soon shut off and it became black as pitch before my eyes began to adjust. My door opened and I fumbled with the buckle. When I was unable to get it undone a hand held mine still and then undid the buckle for me. Raph took me into his arms then and we strode through a small patch of forest before entering a large clearing. Leo spread a massive blanket out and sat down. Once I was placed on the blanket Raph excused himself to scout the area. Leo nodded and I felt my ears turn bright red. I understood why he needed some time alone and I felt bad that I couldn't just shed my fears. The night air was cool and a breeze lifted my hair which felt nice.

Leo cleared his throat and I looked at him. He was uncomfortable and looked at something just above my left shoulder. He told me how he and Raph had found me through April's social media and had engaged me separately with DM's. When he told me their profile names, I gaped. Without knowing it I had been practically dating them online for months. We had messaged each other all the time but when they refused again and again to meet I called things off. When he motioned to himself the dots connected as to why we couldn't meet. "Is that why you started to harass April... so we could meet," I asked cautiously.

"We didn't harass April," came Raph's bark of indignation. Leo shot him a glare but answered my question with a mere shrug. Nothing had changed for me, but at their expectant looks it seemed as if it should've. I looked away from them and instead looked up to stare at the stars. The silence was somewhat awkward but also apprehensive. Using the silence I sifted through how I felt.

In all honesty I didn't know how to feel about having pretty much dated them online for months and now having them in my life. It explained why they were so eager to skip getting to know me since technically they already did. Then I played with the thought of actually living with them. That had me panicky and a feeling of being trapped was almost overwhelming. Could I say I knew them well enough to let them in that close? A part of me said yes but another part screamed that I didn't. This was our first disagreement and how it played out would begin to prove what kind of men they truly were. I needed them to be themselves and not put on an act which they might if I promised a compromise or timeframe. I closed my eyes and the cool night breeze played with my hair.

"What happened to letting me set the pace," I asked, a half-hearted challenge in my voice. "Does that mean we're not allowed to voice our wants," Leo answered hotly. I smiled, realizing I had gotten under his skin. "That depends on what you want I suppose," I replied playfully. Massive arms wrapped around me pulled me against him. I twisted and an inferno of desire met my gaze. His erection pressed rock hard into my hip and he dipped his head so his lips almost met mine. He stopped a hairs breadth away and, filled with my own desire, I closed the gap. His tongue forced its way into my mouth and I rode his desire feeling my own grow. Behind me I heard rustling and movement but I trusted the pair to have picked a secluded spot and would keep me safe. Raph's hands roamed up my body and pulled my shirt with them. He flung it somewhere behind me and instantly started on my bra. He worked it free and had that discarded before I realized what he was doing.

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