Chapter 11

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The next morning April came over and surprised me by telling she had booked a spa day for us. I was thrilled and never had I gotten dressed and ready for the day faster. Around four we went back to her place to change. She got dressed quickly and was satisfied with a simple updo. I fussed a little more with my hair and when I left her bedroom the guys were all there waiting. Nervous, I smiled and did a quick twirl. "What do you think," I asked still nervous since no one had uttered a word. Looking from face to face I saw various mixtures of awe and shock. When I finally dared to look at Leo and Raph I couldn't breathe. They both wore masks of slight awe, but their eyes burned with desire and perhaps even jealousy. Afraid they were jealous because I could go to a gala like this and they couldn't even attend I looked away and did my best to act naturally. April cleared her throat and said they we needed to get going, Vern was going to be arriving soon to pick us up.

I checked for the umpeeth time that I had all my credentials with me along with my phone, some cash and the pepper spray April had given me. We waved goodbye to the still awestruck men and left.

The gala itself was such a spectacular red carpet event I almost couldn't believe I was a part of it. I answered questions from reporters about who I was and what I was wearing but declined to answer any questions about the pieces I was displaying explaining that I wanted people to get a chance to build their own opinions before they heard mine. When we were inside April and Vern cornered me in front of my hero piece and used it as a backdrop as they did an interview with me. After that I mingled about stopping to discuss both mine and the other artist's pieces with those who were interested.

The exhibition lead out onto a terrace and there a small string quartet were playing beautiful cover versions of popular songs. Several men asked me to dance and I dutifully obliged but after a while I had to decline and used the excuse of needing the ladies room. In a quiet nook I took out my phone and I realized it was almost two in the morning. A text from April was waiting for me.

Antique Nerd: I'm beat, let me know when you're ready to leave.
Me: Vern will take us? Thought he was on the lookout for a new gf...

She answered with an eye roll emoji and said that we could just call a certain taxi. I called her and via the conversation I managed to find her by the piece I had subconsciously made into a self-portrait. She called Casey and then told me that he would be out front in twenty minutes. Smiling and grabbing a last flute of Champaign we slowly headed for the front. When I saw the director I thanked him for the wonderful evening and that I was calling it a night. He gave me a somewhat strained smile and wished me a good night.

Casey dropped me off first and I just wanted to get out of my heels and dress so I could go to sleep. The shoes were easy enough but the dress proved far more difficult. My brain was too exhausted to think properly so fuck it, I'll just sleep in the damned thing, I thought annoyed and exhausted.

Raphaels deep laughter sounded through my apartment and I tried to figure out where he was. Exhausted I was on the verge of tears and demanded he stop laughing since nothing was about the situation was funny. A second tenor broke out in laughter then and I actually did break out in tears at that. "I'm too tired for this kind of bullshit," I wailed. Hands stroked away my tears and another pair began to slowly pull all the pins and combs from my hair. My embarrassing sobs eventually subsided and hands stroked my arms as others worked to undo the clasps of my dress and then slowly undid my zipper. Somewhere in the back of my mind I was aware of them either talking to each other or trying to talk to me. However I was so tired from all the social interacting, alcohol and dancing, I was falling asleep where I stood.

When the dress fell away, arms picked me up and I was able to nuzzle into one of their necks. Not thinking I nuzzled close and breathed in his scent. It was a gloriously male scent, free from all cologne but a fresh citrus clung to him, probably from a body wash. It clashed with his softer unique scent that was more akin to the smell right before it would rain with a slightly woodsy quality to it as well. A sleepy sigh of contentment escaped me and then I was asleep in either Leo's or Raph's arms.

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