★chapter sixty eight★

151 5 2

I look at the Polaroid picture August took of me and mine, I admit I always think I didn't look good in photos but this picture of me was simply divine. He looks at the picture in the film dropping it on the table"Now, I want to take a picture of us, something good for my profile picture on my instagram". He says absently, he wants to let the world know about us?

Damn right I'm going to give me the best picture,
"I have an idea, hold on for me". I said standing from the bed to the vanity mirror, I scan through our stuff until my eyes land on my red lipstick.

I have never been so happy to see this red lipstick, I never wear red unless I was feeling bold and I did right now. I make my way back to the bed" Let's get you a good profile picture, love". I pop off the lipstick cap and practically drag his face closer to mine

"What are-".

Kiss. I kissed his cheek

"Oh, is this-". He paused then I pepper kisses on his cheek, his head, his nose basically his face, his neck and trust me that I re-applied some more just to make sure every part I wanted was covered with my kisses even did two on his white tee shirt.

"Now, this is the base of the picture". I grin at his amused face, I take the camera from him and rest my cheek on his cheek"Say cheese!". I grin flashing a smile as the time counts down.

He chuckles and flashes a smile before the timer runs out, the picture turned out amazing just like I pictured it in my head, we took a few of just him with the lipstick on him"I should've been a photographer like is that not as good photo". I nudged him, I pass him the camera back before I go and check on Aurora.

I enter her room and go to her bathroom, there she was brushing her teeth. I already showered for her so she's just brushing her teeth"Aurora, do you know that Daddy's birthday is on Friday?". I whispered to my toddler, I have set my mind on the perfect gift for him and I truly hope he likes it, who I'm kidding he's going to love it!

"Mommy, can I use out of my money to buy daddy a big gift. What can I give daddy?".  Tough question, the difference between us and her dad is that he's rich so what possibly does he want that he has not already gotten.

"Have you ever drawn for him before?". She loves to drawing, not the best at it but my refrigerator in my old house is filled with it.

"That's not expensive". She pouts

"He's your dad, whatever you give him is expensive to him because you made it for him". I said gently poking her chest while she rinsing her toothbrush.

I was about to say something but my phone interrupts me, I ignore it because this was one of those I'm talking wisdom to my daughter's brain
"What if daddy doesn't like my gift, mommy?".

"You could give your daddy a strand of your Hair and he will adore it, he loves you Aurora and will adore anything you give him okay? You don't have to do a drawing if you don't want to but just saying". I add, Aurora is good with her hands so she can come up with something good for her dad.

I ordered us breakfast from room service, the urge to shower in Aurora's bathroom so I did, I wrap myself with a towel before going back to my room"What are you doing?". I said halting when I enter the room.

I walk towards the bed to see the Polaroid film with pictures of me laid on the bed, six pictures of me and of one both of us placed in the middle of the rest of the pictures, red kiss stains on the white duvet.
"You look sexy with red lipstick on". I teased, wiping off the smudge of lipstick on his cheek.

"You're teasing me plus you're not supposed to be here, fuck close your eyes and tell anyone about the lipstick and I won't talk to you". He threats, I roll my eyes as if he can stand an hour of not talking to me.

𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦 𝐷𝑎𝑑𝑑y                 [slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now