36.1 Secret Falls

Start from the beginning

My heart is going way too fast, and there's a lump forming in my throat, but I finally remember part of my speech. "Bella, you're everything to me. I love you with every particle within me, and I have since I was sixteen... maybe even before that. You are an incredibly smart, kind, patient, and talented woman, and you make every part of my life better. I can't imagine my life without you again."

I pause to catch my breath, and I notice my hands trembling as I open the box and take out the small gold ring. I swallow hard. "Lauren Sophia... will you marry me?"

Ren is completely motionless except for her hands trembling at her mouth. I think she's stopped breathing.

"Please say yes," I beg her hoarsely, forcing a soft smile, though I'm sure my eyes shine nervously.

She opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out, just tears from her eyes. Then, slowly, she starts nodding. It's just the tiniest movement at first, but soon, her head is going up and down like a car bobblehead over speedbumps and a huge smile breaks across her face.

Fuck yes!

My grin must be 1000 megawatts bright right now. I stand, and with both our hands shaking, I slip the delicate ring on her finger and kiss it. Happy tears come pouring out of her eyes like heavy raindrops, and I wipe some away, though my own eyes glisten brightly, threatening to spill over, too.

"I was so worried you'd say no," my voice still thick with emotion. "I love you, Lauren. You make me the happiest man alive."

"Mmmmhmm," is all she can say still, but she hugs me so hard around my chest that I can barely breathe. I love it, though.

Then, still standing on the top of the rock, surrounded by jungle and the waterfall cascading behind us, I free my arm, slowly caress her beautiful face with my hands, and pull her in for the most explosively romantic kiss I think I've ever given her in my entire life.


Half an hour later, we find a place to sit and devoure our sandwiches. "I still can't believe it," she says, admiring the ring again on her finger for the one-hundredth time.

"Sorry, it's so small," I grimace. "It's the prettiest one the local boutique had... I'll get you something better."

"No, I love it." Then she looks up. "Wait, the local boutique? When'd you get it?"

"This morning."

"This morning!"

I laugh self-consciously. "Yeah. I swear, though," shaking my head. "Since we landed, I've almost asked you five times already. But then I saw this New York Times article this morning. Bella, they changed the law! You can get divorced right away now! They changed it just this month!"

"I know!"

"You know? When did you find out?"

"Today! That's what those texts were about."

"Is that what Alex wanted to talk about?"

"You read those texts from Alex?"

My hand moves to rub the back of my neck. "I didn't mean to. I just saw them pop up, and... I couldn't help it."

I grimace again, hoping she's not mad. But she just rolls her eyes.

"Here, you missed a few from him," she says, handing over her phone. I read through them quickly.

"What a dick! He even knows we are on a fucking vacation," I fume as I hand back her phone. "Can you block him on Facebook, please?"

"I know. I should."

"But he's already started the process?" My eyebrows shoot up excitedly.

She huffs a laugh. "Yeah, and knowing Alex, some guy will be waiting on our doorstep with the papers to sign when we arrive from the airport."

"That's great!" I cheer and sweep her up in a hug, a giant wave of relief sweeping through me about the whole thing. She hugs me tightly back, probably feeling the exact same way.

"I can't believe you just proposed to me! We're engaged before I'm even officially divorced! This is so crazy!" she exclaims, wrapped in my arms.

"Well, that's no surprise..." I whisper softly in her ear. "Cause I'm crazy in love with you."


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