Something good

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"First, as it is their engagement in a couple of hours" pointing towards us (Ata and Danish) "we all will share something good about them

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"First, as it is their engagement in a couple of hours" pointing towards us (Ata and Danish) "we all will share something good about them. Like your best memory with them, or the first time you met, anything good, which will encourage them to take a step towards the engagement. And the second time we will repeat this a day before their wedding and that time, we will say the worst thing about them, like their nature and habits and everything." My cousin instructed. She has ways to bring fun with her. Which sometimes gets dangerous. First was Bhai. He said "we are not the perfect siblings, honestly we were never close. She was younger and quiet. I don't even remember her crying as a child. When I tried to, like, develop our bond, she went abroad. After returning she was changed. A bit more expressing. The best thing about her would be her silence at times." He was teasing me. "Bhai seriously, silence of all things?" I looked at him in disbelief. "Next would be Afreen" Didi said. "Bhaiya is rich, handsome, caring, smart, punctual, intelligent, and quiet." She said counting on her fingers "The last time he scolded me was when I broke his laptop, which means he is patient and almost minds his own business" She surely is a lawyer. "They asked you to say, something good about Bhaiya, not to defend your client." Farhan mocked. Afreen glared and said "Shut up dumbo." It was Di's turn now. She said with a smile "I have known Ata for almost 15 years. I was often a guest at their house, but rarely saw and talked to her. She would always run around the house. Well she can adapt very fast and is friendly when approached." "Who is next?" asked Zoya Didi. "That would be me" Yasir Bhai said. "Ata is my beloved baby sister." He said in a cheeky voice. "When we first met, she was crying, because her drawing was ruined. I am not going to lie, if you see her crying, you won't be able to take your eyes off. And the best part is that she gets more beautiful every time we meet."
Yasir Bhai has been close to me since the day we met. Apparently, closer than Aziz Bhai. Every time we met, he would talk and I would listen. And vice versa. We have a good bond and something more than a bond. He is a family member, whom I admire and look up to.
"Bhaiya was always mischievous. He and Afreen used to team up and trouble us a lot. He once locked all of us in a room. Afreen was enjoying it , but he was scared after seeing me and Nadim cry. He was afraid that we would not talk to him again. So, he used to give us chocolates everyday to apologise. P.S. he is generous and spends a lot." Farhan said. Danish and mischievous. That's a discovery of life time.

I recalled the time of sunset. He has such a beautiful smile. I bet that he looks the most beautiful when he smiles. Those honey eyes paired with his smile was the weapon that pierced my heart. I had my eyes stuck on him, since we reached the mountain. He looked good in casuals. And I compliment his fashion choice, every time I see him in something different.
His eyes looked lost, not actually lost, but the kind of lost when you didn't care about the things around you. He was actually aware of everything going around him but chose to ignore it.
His eyes shined just for a few moments during the sunset. And after that I got lost. The same kind of lost that he had gotten.
I lost in the beauty of being incomplete. The beauty of having others who fulfilled you. Like the sky. Plain and beautiful. But it looks the most beautiful when it is filled with the clouds and sun during the day and the moon and stars during the night.

Wait, I was lost, but I did notice something.
Oh My God!
I noticed Farhan and Sara having their moments. Actually Farhan, enjoying and admiring Sara, while she admired the nature. His eyes had a shine. Not what I saw in Danish's, but something different, a bit dark yet warm.
Not to forget the couple, Bhai and Di, who held on to each other, lovingly and supportingly.
Yasir Bhai, he also had that pair of shiny eyes. They were different, ones that showed his longing, guilt, loneliness. His unshed tears, unshared emotions, unforgettable memories and uncontrollable thoughts.
Zoya Didi was being, Zoya Didi, taking pictures, capturing the moments.

Well back to reality, it was Zoya Didi's turn. She said "Like Aziz said, Ata was always a quiet girl and the age difference didn't help us. I remember her and Sara always being together. Both never uttered a word, their conversation was always looking at each other and as if they had telepathy, they understood and the best thing would be that she never interrupts."


Everyone was laughing

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Everyone was laughing. I don't recall Ata as the one
who never interrupts.
What? She does interrupt a lot. Me, if not others.
It was time to listen to Shayan's good memories with me. "Danish is well collected, smart and childish." He said.
Wait? that's all? I expected something like the best brother ever or best friend forever. He horriblely is no fun. Not at all.
"Again. This is not a presentation Bhai." Farhan mocked.
"Qasim. Your turn" Zoya Didi said. "She is trustworthy, confident and beautiful" he said. This man and Ata don't seem to be close, they just know eachother.
"Danish Bhaiya, is fun to be with, only if he is not working, he likes to travel to quiet places and has a real good fashion sense. Bhabhi, you must believe me when I say this and he has the best wardrobe collection." Nadim said. He is very much interested in fashion.
Mariyam decided to say next. She said "I have always admired him, he is intelligent, confident, and responsible. My parents always praised him and he has always inspired me to work hard and select a path of my interests."
Everyone looked towards the last person, Sara. She eyed Ata and said "she is quite a variety. Athletic. Multi Tasker. Manages things well and practically." "And?" Ata asked with challenging eyes. "Intelligent" Sara said but she was not satisfied. "And?" she asked. "Quite an actress, who has a way to everything" Sara said. Now that she was satisfied, Ata let a low laugh.

She does have a way to things.
I did things for her, neither did I realise it, nor did she ask for it.
Whatever it is, I am curious about her way of things. And her.

It was late when we went to sleep. I was tired and needed rest more than anything.


The morning was loud, we earned a good tongue-lashing from Mom for staying up till late. Exclude me from the 'we'.
The engagement was in the evening and the day went with chaos all around me. My dramatic brother and Zoya Didi were almost the reason for all the chaos. Farhan shouts that he had forgotten his watch and Zoya Didi shouts that she had forgotten her earings. Nadim and Nuha join them and caused ruckus all around the villa.

I haven't seen Ata much since the early morning. Not at breakfast, not during the arrival of the family and friends, not at this moment.
I am ready, wearing a cream coloured sherwani.
Everything around me was in light colours. The venue along with the peoples' choice of dressing. Mostly light pink and white.
It was not very grand but cozy.
There were a few important business partners, close relatives and friends from both the sides.
"Congratulations, Danish" Zaid said with a big smile. I thanked him for joining. "So you accepted the advice from the little girl." He teased referring to my first encounter with Nuha and her so called advice. Talking of Nuha, she approached us in her light pink gown. "How do I look?" She asked us, more like asked Farhan, staring at him with her big shiny eyes. "You look like a princess." Farhan says. Nuha giggled and turned towards me. I said "Beautiful", for which she gave the best smile and continued looking at everyone in the circle earning warm compliments. By the end she was all flustered and then held my hand looking around.
I don't know why but the girl is very comfortable with me. Comfortable in the sense, talks to me even when I don't react much. Not to forget, her sharing secrets about,.

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