The Time alone

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I look around and find chaos everywhere

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I look around and find chaos everywhere. Di stood at the centre, instructing the workers. Mother was confirming the dishes and arrangements. Father was consoling her. "Everything is good dear, don't stress too much." I heard him say. Brother held on to Di. She has been on this since the first sun ray. And my little Koala stood next to me. Judging everyone and everything. This little one is horribly dramatic, about everything. Today, is a no work day. Mother strictly instructed everyone to stay away from work, no calls either.
Well, we are going to have the Emraans over for lunch. It surely is to decide the next step, either engagement or marriage. I hope it's the earlier. Marriage is good, but it takes time.
My mother hurriedly walked towards me and said "Ata, sweety why aren't you ready yet? They can arrive at any moment now". "On my way to it" I said and walked to my room. I had her select a dress for me, well I am horrible at it, in times like this.

I got ready and went downstairs. Everyone was already there. "Ata, you look beautiful" says Nuha, using her not so perfect pronounciation.
Bhai looks at me, with an impressed smile and so does Di.
The worker informs the arrival of the guests.
Father pats my shoulder as he walks to receive them. "Behave properly, don't be rude and, you look beautiful" Mother said, being a Mother and followed Father to the door.

It was Mr. and Mrs. Emraan, Mr. Imad and Mrs. Asma Emraan, Afreen, and Danish Emraan himself. I wasn't sure if he was going to come. Well he is a busy person.
If you think I stalked him, then no, you are wrong. All I did was a little research on him and his family after the mall incident.
I greet them all. Afreen gives me an ear to ear smile. I returned the gesture, but with a smaller one.
Everyone settles in the living room and Mrs Asma Emraan, Afreen, and Danish Emraan himself. I wasn't sure if he was going to come. Well he is a busy person.
If you think I stalked him, then no, you are wrong. All I did was a little research on him and his family after the mall incident.
I greet them all. Afreen gives me an ear to ear smile. I returned the gesture, but with a smaller one.
Everyone settles in the living room and Mrs Emraan calls me to her and asks me to sit between her and Mrs Asma. "Oh! you look so pretty my dear" she compliments me. I just replied with a thank you. They asked me a series of questions, and received  careful answers with satisfying and polite words. All this time Mr. Danish has his gaze fixated on me. He looked handsome in this casual suit. I must compliment his fashion choice.

Everyone was busy discussing.
"Why don't you both talk alone, until lunch" said Mrs. Asma. Both families agree and ask Di to guide us to my room. As if I can't do that. "You can have your time" said Di before giving us some space. "Please make yourself comfortable" I said offering him to sit and settle myself on the bed. We again sat opposite each other, not uttering a single word. I let out a sign, this is never going to happen. "This is so hard" I said looking elsewhere. He just looked at me maybe waiting for me to continue, which I did. "To talk. I mean talking business is much easier, than this"."Yes, it surely is" he replied. "So. Do you have anything to, confirm or inform " I asked him. "Why do you think I would?" he questions me. "Well, you know to have a better idea of our situations" I said as if giving a presentation. "I don't. Nothing to confirm or inform" he practically said. "Very well. That's good to hear" I replied. Again the silence. I am not awkward but I have nothing to speak of. How must he feel? Sitting in a person's room and have nothing to say. We were in the same position for 10 minutes and stared at each other for another 10 minutes, before Afreen came into the vision. "Time for lunch" she said with a smirk spread on her face. I nodded at her with a smile and she left. He stood up, so did I and we helped ourselves to the table.



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e had silence between us. Not awkward but peaceful. She looked beautiful as always.

My mother really likes her very much. Not a lie, she is worth more than just likes. The dress, suited her, and how she behaved today.
I noticed the way she answered their questions. Carefully polite and smart. Almost like she was manipulating everyone, when she wasn't.
She is bold not straight forward and I liked it. The way she let it be my way, avoiding the talk. The way she confirmed my approval. She is an intelligent woman which I must admit. Understanding everything and anything.
She was aware of my eyes on her and avoided the possibility of eye contact. Playing safe, wasn't she?
I noticed her room. An equal division of dark and bright, with almost no decorations. Many books, organised on the shelf and night stand. There were documents on the study table, she has been researching the night . The slight mark of ink on her hand proves that.
I didn't realise how long it's been, since I have been staring at her. She neither felt uncomfortable nor did she react. She never minded it, but did return the gesture. Stealing glances secretly. Staring in my eyes. Noticing my movements and words.
"Do you want to have a staring contest? We couldn't have one at the mall." Her words caught me off guard. "You can blink just, no looking away." It started without a 'start.' Our faces remained neutral, she stared in my eyes, blinked eyes now and then but didn't look away. I returned the gesture until she smiled and looked away. That's when Afreen entered.
We joined everyone to lunch. Again we were opposite to each other.
"We have decided on a date for your engagement" said Mr. Faizan . Then, Dad continued "Since your grandparents are returning next week, we would like the engagement to be held on Monday, that is 4 days after their arrival". We both look at each other and then nod our heads simultaneously. "Ata dear, are you comfortable with it?" Asked mom. "I am, thank you. As long as you find it acceptable." she replies with a smile. My mom was impressed by her reply. As a lawyer, she always tries to crack the meaning of the statements. And here, Ms. Ata just declared that she can accept everything as long as her parents want her to.
Everyone was satisfied. Much more like I was satisfied, she knows very well how to have control over a situation without making it obvious. "We have so much to do, first shopping" Aunt exclaims excitedly. They went on discussing the details and everything. She wanted to say something, but didn't.
Atlast we left their place. The elders were travelling together and I was with Afreen.
"What did you two talk about" she questions with curiosity. I didn't reply to her. "Come on, tell me. Did you like, confess to her?" She asks. "Why do you think I would have done that?" I ask. "You are so boring Bhaiya. Obviously you confess when you like someone. Don't you think you should have said something like 'You are my life, will you be my wife?'"I look at her in disbelief. "Who did you learn this from?" I ask irritated. "Bhaiya, the way you are, no one will marry you" she said with overwhelming irritation. "Don't worry, she is marrying me" I replied with utter confidence. "It is Bhaiya? " She teases me and continues "but tell me what did you talk about?". "Nothing much" I replied. "What is that nothing much?" She again questions me. "Nothing" I honestly reply. She seemed to be taken back. "You seriously didn't talk about anything? Not even the weather or your likes and dislikes. Don't tell me you didn't even compliment her looks". I didn't give any response and she continued "You totally are an idiot, Bhaiya. Like who doesn't compliment their fiancée?" "Soon to be fiancée, and I don't need to compliment, even if she is more than beautiful. Because she knows it better than anyone else" I corrected her. "Bhaiya" she whines. "Wait, you mean she looked not just beautiful but more than beautiful?" She caught me. A disadvantage of having a lawyer sister - you get caught no matter what. "My god Bhaiya, you have turned so romantic, just need to work on expressing it. Don't worry I will help you with it." She expressed. "Out. Now" I said as we reached home.
I have to return to office, I have a lot of work to take care of.

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