While the system was busy testing the strength of its enemy, Fu Xi was engrossed in his fantasies of appropriating everything precious from Li Chang Bo, conquering the world, and attacking everyone. Trampling Li Chang Bo under his feet and making him suffer ten times what he had suffered in the past few months.


By the time Li Chang Bo and Feng Yu Han came back, they saw Fu Xi laughing in front of them with his head down, looking crazy. 'What the hell happened in the short time we were gone?'

[You were absent for almost ten minutes], the system said and sat on Li Chang Bo's head.

'We had something important to discuss.' Li Chang Bo chimed in with a slight blush on his face.

[What, 'the art of sticking your tongue down your lover's throat'?] said the system, looking at his host mockingly.

Li Chang Bo swatted him away and puffed embarrassedly. 'Are you going to tell me what happened or not?'

[You would know if you were here and not busy eating your lover's face. Anyway, his system has reconnected and is now trying to find out if I'm weaker than him by sending out sound waves that only systems can hear. If you show no reaction, then it means we're stronger than them. And I am, of course, the strongest system ever].

'Keep hoping,' Li Chang Bo whispered under his breath.

The system glared at him before continuing, [As I was saying, once I give you a sign, you will use those acting skills of yours to show them what they want to see, and after that, I will try to devour him when he tries to forcefully enter your subconscious, it will be a bit discomforting, but don't worry, you won't die.]

[Now], said the system, and at that moment Li Chang Bo pretended to be in pain. He grabbed his head, took two steps backwards and fell into his lover's arms.

"It hurts so much. My head," he said in a pained voice as he hugged Feng Yu Han for support. From Fu Xi and his system's point of view, it looked like he was really in pain, but 0125 could see what mischief he was up to with Feng Yu Han.

[Horny Bastard]

'At least I have a lover, unlike someone else. Go and do your job.'

Li Chang Bo felt sick, like something was trying to invade a very sensitive part of him. Fu Xi's system was able to infiltrate his subconscious, but only because Li Chang Bo let it.

'Boo bitch,' Li Chang Bo said snickering. Fu Xi's system asked in panic:

[What's wrong? Why can't I move?] and then realized that it was being toyed with. Li Chang Bo's system was never weaker than him; it was much more powerful than he had ever imagined.

[It's giving dead], 0125 said before swallowing it. He burped after he finished, looking satisfied with his meal.

'Yah, have you seen Toktiks without me?'

[I don't know what you're talking about, I need to sleep. Adios] 0125 fled.

"What's happening to him?" Feng Yu Han asked Li Chang Bo. Fu Xi was screaming in pain and going crazy in front of them, and then he suddenly stopped and looked at them blankly.

"Hehe, I took care of it. You can do whatever you want with him now." Feng Yu Han shook his head slightly at his lover's mischievous face and ordered the guards to get rid of Fu Xi.


One evening, Li Chang Bo was sitting outside in the royal garden reading a book when a servant asked for an audience.
Xiao Bai went to Consort Li to inform him. Consort Li looked up with an exalted expression and asked: "What does he want with this consort?"

Quick Transmigration: Seducing The Lord GodWhere stories live. Discover now