Arc 2. 6

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The next day at about eleven in the morning, the system appeared in front of Li Chang Bo and recoiled in shock when it saw what Li Chang Bo looked like.

His hair was a mess, his face looked pale and his lips dry. His eyes were red and swollen, from which he concluded that Li Chang Bo must have been crying for a long time because there were still traces of dried tears on his face.

Li Chang Bo felt someone standing in front of him, so he woke up.

"You're back?" he asked, not yet fully awake, rubbing his eye with his hand.

[Host, what happened to you? Why were you crying?] the system asked anxiously and flew into Li Chang Bo's arms.

Li Chang Bo hugged the system into his arms and laid back down curling his legs to his chest.

“I just miss my lover.” he said and stifled the tear that wanted to flow out.

The system couldn't understand his host.

[But the lord god is also in this world. Why don't you get together with him in this one?] he asked confused.

Li Chang Bo looked at the ball of light in his arms and shook his head with tears in his eyes.

"No, what if he doesn't love me like he did in the previous world? This time he is someone else and not my Feng Yu Han who would spoil me and love me endlessly."

[As you said Host, he is a different person. But it is still the same soul. The Lord God's appearance and personality may differ from the others, but it will always be the same soul, so if he loved you in the first world, I am sure he will love you in this world too. You should believe more in yourself, host.] said the system, trying to encourage his host.

He thought that his host was not with the Lord God because he wanted to take it easy.

He felt that when he first saw his host, the Lord God fell in love with him, which was why his favourability increased so much, but who would have thought that his host was insecure
about the Lord God being someone else in this world and not the same as in the last.

The system sighed and shook its head at its host's naivety.

"But what if He doesn't like the way I am in this world? What should I do then?"

[Host, if the Lord God really likes you, then he wouldn't care what you look like or what your personality is like. And if he did care and he was just playing with you, then I'm sorry Lord God, but I would personally beat his ass. How dare he dislike my lazy and naive host. Hmmph] System said encouragingly, but it made Li Chang Bo's eyes gleam.

"Thank you, System."

[No problem Host. I have found out who deleted all the scandals in the net.]

“Who was it?”

[It was the Lord God host. After seeing the post about the host on the net, the Lord God instructed his subordinates to delete them and t find out who was behind it.]

“Really?” Li Chang Bo asked.

[Yes host. Doesn’t his actions shows that he is interested in you? So you should just give it a try.]

“Okey, I will.”

[Ah, my lovely host. What happened to the arrogant and possessive host I had? In the last world, you wanted to possess the Lord God right after you cast your eyes on him without even thinking about what he wants, but now.... How come you are only now caring whether he likes you or not].

Quick Transmigration: Seducing The Lord GodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ