Arc 2. 20

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What really happened after Li Chang Bo left the cafe:

After he left the cafe, he walked toward his car.
He looked calm from the outside, but in his head, the whining of his system and the joyful jumps of Li Chang Bo were coursing through.

[Yah, what are you jumping around for?] the system said in frustration, not knowing whether to cry or kill him.

[Have you lost your mind?! Have you forgotten your mission? And aside from your mission, what about your love for the Lord God?] he asked in frustration, crying codes.

Li Chang Bo looked at him confused, 'What about it? Nothing has changed' he said, shrugging his shoulders.

The system was on the verge of going berserk as he realized Li Chang Bo didn't realize the gravity of the situation.

[At this point, I'm really thinking about getting a new host]

'Huh, what did I do?’ Li Chang Bo asked confused, he had only written a break up message to Feng Yu Han and he knew that Feng Yu Han wouldn't believe him and would think he was bullshitting.

Unfortunately, Li Chang Bo believed too much in Feng Yu Han because even if Feng Yu Han thought it, he would still freak out and something bad would happen, since the last world the system has realized how important Li Chang Bo is to the Lord God.

Even his superiors had warned him to take good care of Li Chang Bo and not to let anything happen to him because his well-being was direly required or something horrifying would happen.

When the system heard this, he knew that something horrific had happened
before, for his superiors said it with horror and fear.

And since the Lord God was very
sensitive and noticed him immediately when he was no longer in system space, he knew that he was screwed if Li Chang Bo didn't make up for it and calm him

[Are you stupid?! Wahhh, I don't want to die. My pretty cute and adorable self is still too young to die and that's only because this host named Li Chang Bo always does what he wants]

[I know exactly what you were thinking when you wrote this message. You thought that the Lord God would know that you are not serious and just kidding. Well FUCK NO! The Lord God would accept any shit from you but you yourself know that he wouldn't joke with your love. What were you thinking, and to make it worse, you take the money his mother offers you. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE THE MONEY?!] he said glaring at his host in anger, sometimes shouting in rage and hopelessness.

During the time that the system was complaining, he got into his car and drove to the shooting location.

'C'mon. You're not seriously going to tell me that I shouldn't have taken the money and left it? Like Damn boy! That's free money we're talking about and not just some lollypop.'

'She offered me money and I took it. She told me to leave her son and I broke up with him, but she never said anything about not telling her son what happened here, or not coming to me.Did you think I was going to start a drama, like in all those TV shows, and go all saintly?’
said Li Chang Bo, starting to get serious.

'It's true that I shouldn't have written it, because knowing Hanhan, he would start doubting himself and wouldn't be able to keep his wits straight. But I did it so that he would see what his mother thinks of me and that even if he threatens Zhang Li-Min, she would still have hismother on her side to take care of me. I know he would just ignore them all and get rid of them with a word from me but firstly I didn't want his relationship with his parents to go bad because of me and secondly I didn't want to make it easy for Zhang Li-Min. Now do you understand why I did that? Feng Yu Han is the most important person in my life, even more important than my own life and what I said last time is true. I can't live without him, I would go crazy if he left my life, but it's because I love him that I am doing this. His parents are very important to him even if he doesn't show it and it would destroy him if he has to choose between them and me because he will choose me in the end. I don't want him to choose, he should have all the things in the world that make him happy and I will take care of that. Can you understand now why I did this?' Li Chang Bo earnestly told the system, and that's when the system realized that even though he usually acts like he doesn't care or is just having fun, he really thinks about his actions before
he does them.

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