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Today is finally Angela's and Wesley's wedding day! Tamara is helping Angela get ready for her big day. It's only 20 minutes before Angela is going to walk down the aisle, but one guest is missing. It's Lucy. She promised to Angela that she would be there at least one hour before but no one hasn't seen her, yet...
Tim noticed that Lucy isn't here yet, so he decided to ask Nolan if he knows where Lucy might be.
"John? Have you seen Lucy?" Tim asked John.
"No I haven't, is something wrong?"
"Well no one has seen her yet and Angela said that Lucy promised to be here at least one hour before the ceremony. Do you have anyone in mind who might know where she is?"
"Umm, maybe Nyla knows?"
"I'll ask her."
Tim said to John and thanked him for the tip. He walked to the parking lot because Nyla just parked there and hopefully she has texted or seen Lucy earlier today.
"Hey, Nyla? Have you seen Lucy or texted her?"
"Nope, but she texted me this really weird emoji combo last night. Look."
Nyla showed Tim the message: "❤️👂🐑 📱"
(try and guess it before looking at the next line)

"Wait, that says H-E-L-P! We need to get to her apartment ASAP."
"Hell yeah!"
"But first we need to say everyone that Lucy needs help or she's in danger."
"Of course, I'll go announce it."
Nyla ran to the aisle before they were going to start the ceremony. She took the mic and said:
"Announcement everyone!"
Everyone looked at Nyla and waited for her to continue.
"First of all happy wedding day for Angela and Wesley! But one guest, Lucy Chen hasn't been seen approximately for a day. She is Angela's cop colleague and a good friend. Me, and Tim are going to her apartment and Sergeant Grey, could you call all units and airship to look out for her?" Nyla said and asked Grey.
Grey took the mic.
"Absolutely. Everyone here from LAPD, keep your phones or radios on, and listen for any tips about Lucy's location. But Bradford and Harper are first going to check if officer Chen is at her house. Let's find her!" Grey said and all the cops ran to their cars.

15 minutes later
Nyla and Tim arrived at Lucy's house. Lucy's apartments door is unlocked. They opened it and the house is really clean but there was some blood on the floor. And her green dress for the wedding was on the floor...

(Lucy's POV)
The night before Angela's and Wesley's wedding. She was already putting her dress, heels and jewellery ready for the next day and she was going to sleep. She did a last try on with the dress to make sure it's good with the heels. But then suddenly, someone knocked at her door. Lucy opened it and there were many armed guys standing in front of her. They were all masked and someone put a gun in her head.
"Come with us or you will get a bullet inside of your head. And take that dress off." One of the guys said. Lucy changed into her pyjamas and she tried to call 911 but one guy was approaching her and the first contact she saw was Nyla. She texted her with emojis, help so the guy couldn't realize she was asking for help.
Then the only thing she remembers is someone tasing her and hitting her face on the floor that she went unconscious...

(Everyone else's POV)

Nyla and Tim kept searcing for any hints and then Tim found a gun on the floor.
"Here's a gun, there might be a fingerprint."
"Let's see..."
Nyla scanned it and the gun belongs to Alejandro Cruz. He was in prison for 8 years for many abductions and drug dealing. Then they got a call from Grey.
"We found security camera footage from last night. Chen was taken and she seems to be unconscious in the picture and they drove off with a car and we got the license plate. Do you know anything else yet?"
"Yeah, here was a gun and it belongs to Alejandro Cruz. 8 years in prison for abductions and drug dealing." Nyla informed Grey.
"I know that guy. And I might know where he is. Meet me at the Hollywood sign in 20 minutes."
"Yes sir."
They ended the call, and left to meet Grey.

(Lucy's POV)
10 minutes earlier.
Lucy was tied in a chair and there was a tube attached into her arm and her blood is dripping to a bottle. She looked around for an exit but there were armed guys everywhere. She felt hopeless. Then suddenly Alejandro's team heard an airship close to their location so they went outside and that's when Lucy ran away from the back door. She has a big would on her arm so she took her shirt off and tried to stop the bleeding with it. She tied it into her arm. She hid in a bush and started crying...

(Everyone else's POV)

Everyone felt really hopeless in this situation. Angela's and Wesley's wedding day turned into the worst day. Tim and Nyla were driving up the hills and they stopped before Grey was there. When Grey arrived they started to look out for Lucy. Grey and Nyla went to the house close to the parking spot and Tim into the woods. Nyla and Grey found Alejandro and his team. They had some shooting there but they managed to get these guys arrested.

Tim was exhausted but then he heard some crying close to him. He held his gun for just incase and then he looked in the bush. He saw Lucy there crying and trying to stop bleeding from her arm and with her shirt.
"Lucy?" Tim asked and Lucy saw him. She felt relieved and stood up and hugged him.
"Thank you..."
Lucy said. Tim called it over the radio that Lucy is found. Tim took her to the hospital and Grace was there. She took Lucy and got her arm stitched.
Nyla, John, Grey and Tim walked into the room.
"Hey guys." Lucy said.
"Heyy, how are you feeling?" Nyla asked.
"I'm okay. I lost a lot of blood so I need to be here for at least 2 days to make sure that nothing unexpected comes up. But how can I even thank you? You guys saved my life."
Lucy said to them.
"You don't need to. It's our job to protect people, and even our colleagues." Tim said.
"I felt so hopeless in that moment they took me. I was so scared that the Caleb situation was gonna happen all over again..." Lucy said and looked at them.
"You know, you are the bravest woman I know. You've been through hell for the last 4 months. What happened is every woman's literally biggest fear. And for it to happen for 2 times and almost the same situation, is much more worse." Nyla said.
"Thank you so so much." Lucy thanked Nyla.

2 days later.

Today will be Angela's and Wesley's second wedding day. After what happened they wanted to have a second wedding day so Lucy could participate too.
The ceremony started and it was beautiful. After that everyone started dancing, the sun started to set.
Tim asked Lucy.
"A dance?"
"Of course!"
Lucy took Tim's hand and they joined the dance circle. The sky was beautiful, the feeling at the wedding was on top. Angela and Wesley are so happy that the people they love, in the same room celebrating their happiest day of their lives.

the end
(author's note)
-english isn't my first language, sorry for any mistakes.

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