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                 After ren tells kana to speak
about their previous conversation. Kana starts to speak,

Kana: ‘do you know why I hate you?’

Ren: ‘i thought you just hate me because you don't like talking to me.
But it doesn't seem that case. I want to know kana, why in the world do you hate me?’

Kana: ‘it seems you are really good at pretending that you don't know anything. Well...if you really want to hear it  from my mouth fine I will tell you.’

Ren: ‘i really don't know anything about what you are talking.’

Kana: ‘do you atleast remember our middle school girl classmates. They were the one who bullied me.’

Ren: ‘whatt...no that's impossible they were your friends right.why would they even bully you.’

Kana: ‘please don't act infront of me when you were also helping them to bully me.’

Ren: ‘you are not making any sense kana.’

Kana: ‘when“Sofia”came to know that you were my friend she started her tactics with other girls to bully me.Even though she was my best friend, she saw me as a enemy. Do you also know why? Because I was your friend. Because of that silly reason she made my middle school a hell.’

Ren: ‘but why would she bully you just because I was your friend.’

Kana: ‘because that psycho likes you so much that she sometimes even stalks you. I told her that I was only your friend but she couldn't handle her jealousy when you talk to me and the other girls even think of me as a whore because you eat lunch with me and takes care of me and you made it even worse by helping them. I told you so many times to not talk to me infront of my friends. But you don't listen, weren't you even laughing at me when I was being taken by them to be bullied.’ says With an angry face.

Ren: ‘whatt... when did i laugh at you.’

Kana: ‘you laugh at me whenever they take me to bully.’

Ren: ‘haa...that time I was laughing at you because I thought you were enjoying with them.’

Kana: ‘yeah....they were enjoying it while I was suffering.’

Ren: ‘that's why you stopped talking to me, stopped eating lunch with me,you could have just told me.i would have helped you.’

Kana:‘ no you would have made it even worse.you don't know anything about how they bullied me huh..... They first isolated me so that I couldn't talk to anyone.they started messing with me by taking my money, tearing my textbooks and they make me run for their errands. their bullying  didn't stop there they would even mix disgusting things in my food and tell me to eat and even lock me up in the washroom. I was scared everyday to go to school. I was scared to tell my mom, i was scared to tell the teachers.that was when I decided to get stronger.so that no one would mess with me.’

Ren: ‘when you stopped talking to me Sofia's frnds came and told me that i should keep trying to talk to you that i should laugh at you whenever I see you then you will start talking to me again.’ With a really sad face.

Kana: ‘oh... So,they were making Sofia
even jealous so that she would bully me even worse. well...those girls always hated me since I was popular with guys.’

Ren: ‘i am sorry...... I couldn't even help you.....i am sorry....’ With a guilty face.

Kana: ‘even if you say sry it is not going to change that you indirectly helped them. If you were not with me in middle school i would've lived a better life without having to experience those horrible things.’

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