Protect with Style

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I changed into a tan strapless bra and underwear set for the fitting then grabbed a robe to wear on top.  Aidan had a couple ballistic vest options ready to try along with one we had designed previously that was strapless.  I wanted to choose a dress that would work and not give away the protection I was wearing.  My hair was down in waves but I could easily slide on a headband or pin it into a quick updo if necessary depending on the dress.

While I would love to wear something slinky and sexy, this was not the right time.  I knew my stylist, Ivan, had a few options with corset bodices which would be a good way to go.  I can hide a knife in my clutch and on my thigh plus try to find a place for my taser.

I never liked carrying a gun if I don't have to. Elliot will have two holstered under his jacket so there was no need.

Lewis would not stop messaging me.  He seemed to believe it would only cause me to respond but the idiot should have known me long enough to be aware that this type of behavior would only make me even more determined to ignore him.  I clicked on his messages and then clicked out without any reaction.

If we give him enough rope, he will definitely hang himself.  

Lewis has always run his mouth and tried to gaslight me.  It has not worked since I was a teenager.  Hector was great about documenting everything with time and date stamps so we could collate data for the authorities.  As much as it hurt to read things Lewis was saying, I knew this was a necessary evil.  If we keep lines of communication open then he will think he has control.

Elliot was waiting in the library for me and had cans of Dr. Pepper ready on a side table.  He grinned as I joined him and had already rearranged a bit so Alfred could set up a clothes rack by the bathroom door.

"So, how does this work?" he asked, watching me as I set my stuff down in the bathroom.

I smiled, "Well, I have a few basic hair things as well as some sweats to change into in my bag in case we want to see how a dress looks with my hair up or down.  Aidan will bring a few ballistic vest options to try, too, but mostly it's like going to a store but in my house.  Ivan may need a hand bringing stuff inside but Aidan and Ethan can help him out."

"Sounds like a plan," Elliot replied with a sigh.  "How do you feel about everything since Lewis keeps blowing your phone up?"

"I'll have Hector do another message download when we're done with the fitting.  He just won't stop."

He paused and walked closer, then reached out and slid his hands around mine.  "Come on, Cookie."

"Lewis knows so much about this property.  We don't have weak spots but there is a chance he even sent them blueprints of the house." I stared into Elliot's eyes and continued, "He also knows me well enough to say things that will hurt deeply but more than that, Lewis had access to a lot of crucial security information that we can't get back. Accounts need to be changed as well as passwords, not to mention how dangerous it is to have someone with access to everything working with the other side.  My Dad spent hours earlier this week setting up brand new bank accounts for every single thing we have just so Lewis has no idea where our money is located."

The air left his lungs in a whoosh but I squeezed his hands tight.  "Elliot, we will get through this as long as I know you won't let me go.  Whatever happens, we will figure it out.  The Resistance has been threatening to do something big for months now so it would make sense they'd pull a big stunt at the Dinner.  I wouldn't even be shocked if they try to do something to my Dad."

"Wait, really?"

I nodded, "Yeah.  He's well protected and can handle himself but still...that's the only reason I want to go now.  To make sure we can also keep watch over him."

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