Home is Where the Heart is

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"I know, Mom.  If we can figure it out with safety precautions then Cordy and I would love to come visit..."  I walked back and forth on the balcony outside our hotel room while Cordy took a long bath on our second full day away from home.  We had another hotel room booked starting tomorrow but it was a relief to have somewhere safe for the moment.

Even though I teased Cordy yesterday for having to talk out the days we were staying here before moving on, the brain fog we were both experiencing hit me harder today.  I did the same thing and she gently showed me a calendar then pointed everything out so I understood.

She's way nicer than me.

Aidan took another look at Cordy's ribs when we did a quick video chat earlier.  The bruising was deeper now but thankfully her neck was not stinging as much anymore.  It was obvious how exhausted she was so my job was to do all I could to make sure Cordy got plenty of rest.  George was doing well but appreciated us keeping such close contact.

It was the perfect chance for me to call my folks once Cordy decided to soak in the tub for awhile.  They saw news coverage on CNN about what happened at the Donor Dinner so were extremely concerned.  While I knew they meant well, my family had no idea how deep this went.  Our video chat the previous day was a good way to touch base but when given the opportunity I wanted to make sure they knew we were still doing okay.

"Elliot, I love you and just want you safe.  Have you considered just moving home?" Mom asked gently.

"I would only do that if Cordelia is able to join me."

She chuckled softly then said, "My boy Elliot, in love with a billionaire heiress.  Who would have thought?"

"I don't care about the money, Mom.  Cordy could be penniless tomorrow and we'd find a way to be together while working at some diner in the middle of nowhere.  Money does not buy happiness.  As you can tell from what happened at that dinner, it also does not buy security."

My Mom was quiet for a long moment then admitted, "I really am so proud of you, Elliot.  Watching that footage was shocking but you held tight to Cordelia then somehow disappeared when the assailant was tased.  I have no idea how, but you did that and I cannot begin to imagine how tough it was to keep moving. We are so proud of you."

The balcony door creaked open and Cordy joined me wearing a fitted tank top with sweat pants, dark hair still damp as she finger combed through her locks.

"Cordy is here now if you want to say Hi, Mom," I told her with a grin.

"Hello, Mrs. Garcia," Cordy said sweetly toward the phone with a smile, wrapping her arms around my waist while a yawn escaped.

My Mom gasped, "Oh, Cordelia, we are so glad you're okay.  The footage they showed on the news was terrifying.  It was great to kind of meet you yesterday on our video call, too."

"I only survived because your amazing son never let me go.  Thank you for raising Elliot to be a man of courage, loyalty, and perseverance."

My heart fluttered at Cordy's genuine words while a sniffle echoed from my Mom's side of the phone.  "Well, he is blessed to have you there, too.  You're both more than welcome to come visit whenever possible.  Bring your Dad, Cordy, and we can spend some time at the ocean relaxing."

A happy sigh escaped Cordy before she grinned at me, "I cannot think of anything I want more than to be laying on a beach with a frozen margarita while I watch Elliot try to boogie board.  I'm sure all the nieces and nephews would love to bury him in the sand, too."

We laughed at the mental image and continued chatting a bit longer before hanging up the phone, thankful for the chance to touch base with family so everyone knew we were still safe.

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