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Being in the turret when I knew we were being watched by Lewis was worse than unnerving.

Hector had equipment to check for bugs and did so in Cordy's room as well as her Dad's room and offices. He had not checked the turret in awhile so it made sense Lewis would spy from there.

Still more than creepy, especially when I saw his messages pop up on the laptop screen as we watched more of "The Good Place."

I love time like that with Cordy where we just enjoy a show but chat throughout. A couple of my past girlfriends would yell at me for talking during a show but with her it's a good balance. We seem to enjoy the same parts and discuss random topics from philosophy to music we like when it comes up on the show.

We made our way to the control room after I dropped our empty soda cans in the kitchen. Ethan was working on marinating chicken for dinner. I got excited that he was in charge for the night so Janet could relax. The plan was to grill the chicken and some veggies then serve it with salad.

I know Cordy requested healthier options when possible after we ate so much junk on our trip. The hotel had amazing meals available but it was still more salt and butter than either of us were used to. Fun for a short trip, but not how we would want to eat for a long time.

Aidan was pacing as Hector downloaded her Insta messages before too long, both of them anxious after seeing all Lewis wrote.

"We did another thorough sweep of the bedrooms and office while you guys were upstairs. Nothing else was anywhere like that, though we will do another review of the bedrooms as well as your room, Elliot. Lewis' old room also needs to be reviewed. I don't know whether to take these down or leave them for now," Hector said with a sigh from his desk chair.

"We need to tell my Dad," Cordy replied while leaning back against the desk. "Not until this is all sorted but I want him to know. And to be fair, Lewis was pissed that Elliot and I were hanging out.  I haven't seen him that angry in a long time."

Aidan grinned, "You two could make him mad enough to admit even more."

I shrugged, "I don't know. Not sure I can handle spending time with Cordy like that... I mean, what a cross to bear, guys..."

She laughed and shoved me playfully with a sweet smile on her face. "Well, I understand if it's such a huge undertaking. I can always ask Ethan..."

"No! No, I mean... uhh... I mean, it's my job? Right? I'm paid to do a job so no need to bother him..." I rushed to say while everyone cracked up at my lack of chill even while teasing.

"Should I finally reply to Lewis?" Cordy asked, a nervous crease between her brows.

Aidan and Hector shared a look before Aidan nodded. "Go for it."

He had her Insta pulled up on the screen as she scrolled through the messages then finally gave Lewis the attention he desperately wanted.

CORDELIA: What the fuck, Lewis. You're spying on me? That's so gross.

I laughed at how simple the message was but knew it would be enough to hook him.

Within a moment he responded.

LEWIS: Well, I miss you, Cordy. How could I not? What were you guys talking about? I wish I could hear your pretty voice.

CORDELIA: You know we can just get the cameras taken down.

LEWIS: If you find them. I have friends that know what they're doing.

She didn't reply this time and let out a sigh, "So we tell Dad and come up with a plan?"

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