The Come Down

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We slept over 12 hours then woke up and did a quick video chat with George and Aidan before ordering Chinese food for lunch.

Aidan sent an email earlier in the morning that George's Doctor was at the house giving him a checkup and got the all clear which helped us feel a lot better.  I grabbed us a few drinks at the vending machine and was able to get some paper plates, more napkins, and plasticware from the front desk.

I made an off hand comment to the flirtatious clerk that my wife needed as much rest as she could get. She took it as her sign to back off, thankfully. I also got a fresh stack of towels since we would definitely need them so I was positive I had everything on hand to allow us the chance to relax.

Cordy crashed hard.  She was a bit of a zombie when we woke up but took a shower then stayed quiet through most of the video call.  I could feel the tension in how taut her shoulders were but knew everything would take time to settle.  There was a huge emotional and mental impact alongside the physical injuries she has to heal from.

I read the lyrics to the song she chose to sing me last night when I woke up this morning  The fact that it was a Whitney Houston song from the movie, "The Bodyguard," was not lost on me.

I have nothing without her, as well.

This was what I knew to expect, though.  Aidan warned me that Cordy did an amazing job during emergencies but when the dust settled would need time to process.  She wears her heart on her sleeve with such vulnerability even after being betrayed by Lewis.  Cordy's openness to me was a gift I knew I needed to treasure.

George was still doing well and Aidan assured us that his blood pressure was in a normal range.  Everyone at the estate relaxed when they knew we were safe, though.  It wasn't just George who was relieved.  We also did a video call with my parents which brought tears to my eyes.  My Mom cried as she shared how relieved they were to get my email the previous night, especially after seeing news about what happened.

Cordy had not met my parents yet but was her usual warm self, though I knew it took more effort than usual.  My Dad read up about the Townsend family and their castle so she graciously invited them to come visit anytime they were available.  He was thrilled with the idea, though my Mom mentioned she would love to host us in California, as well.

It was more natural than I would have imagined.

We watched more of "The Good Place" while enjoying our late lunch, though I could feel the tension in the air.

"Elliot?" Cordy said quietly after we finishing a second egg roll.

"What's up?"

She paused, eyes looking past me while her mouth screwed into a frown, before asking, "Are you sure this is what you want?  I just... I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt.  Your family would love to have you home and I'm going to be stuck here for awhile considering how long I'm sure Lewis will drag out the court case with appeals and lawyer changes."

I reached over to take her hand while nodding.  "I've never been so sure of anything in my life as I am that you and I are a team.  We need each other, right?  We balance one another out really well."  Cordy sniffled so I pulled her closer and continued saying everything I knew was true that first day we met. "I want you.  Whatever that takes, I'll do it.  Whatever you need, I'll help you get it. As long as you're with me, everything will be okay."  After taking a deep breath I stared into her green eyes and whispered, "I have nothing if I don't have you, Cookie."

"You can't mean that..."

Her voice shook as she spoke but I held on tighter.  Cordy winced so I released her, "Sorry... I forgot about your ribs."

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