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" Thank you for your help. " She said to the man bowing. " It's our job mam and thank you for selling these many items to use, hope you have a good day. " he bowed and took the truck.

Yuka had sold all her furniture in cafe to recycle gallery which is in Tokyo.

She sighed looking at her empty cafe. Hope all this wouldn't have happened.....

She thought paddling her way towards her room. On the way, A ring tone tinged her ears. Seeing the name displayed on the screen.

Karin? why the hell is she calling me?

Well Karin and I used to study in same university, I used to be that quiet and reserved student who struggled to find their place, and Karin, the popular and outgoing girl whose presence commanded attention wherever she is.

Throughout our university years, Karin's path often crossed with me, but not in a positive way.

Karin, with her clique of girls trailing behind her, would often make snide remarks about me, adding salt to the wounds of my loneliness. Whether it was, Karin seemed to take pleasure in tearing me down.

Despite the hurtful words and unkind gestures, I tried my best to ignore Karin's taunts, focusing on my studio instead but deep down, the sting of Karin's criticisms lingered, leaving scars in my mind.

However, as graduation day drew near, something unexpected happened. Karin's attitude towards me began to shift. Instead of mocking me like usual, Karin started to approach me with kindness, offering compliments on my scores and even extending invitations to social gatherings even though I wasn't interested.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy on her, ecognizing that beneath her polished exterior lay a vulnerable soul yearning for connection and belonging.

despite our past, I chose to forgive her, understanding that holding onto resentment would only weigh them down. A person always deserve a second chance to change and prove themselves, right?

Since then they became nice friends. Because of my naive nature, I didn't get to know the world too much but being her for few times, it's fun hanging out with her and her friends but I couldn't spend much money unlike them who were rich.

After making my own business, I have been avoiding all then enjoyment in my life. Only focusing on my work.

It's been a while since, I talked to her but not in mood to hangout with her because all she asks me is to hangout all the times.

- - - -

Thinking for sometime, yuka took the call.

👤 : " Heyyyyyy yukaaa!! My babyyyyy!! How are youuu? "

She half-american so she uses too much slang. " Hey...uh Karin... what's up? "

👤: " I know that you are going through alot, it's okay!!! life has ups and downs and you don't have to care about it. "

" well thank you.... "

👤 : " well I want you to come to my party Tonight. I am leaving to states tomorrow night so..... it would be the last I will see you so please, don't deny to come. "

" But- "

👤 : " No buts!! You need to come and that's final!! "

" uhm- alright.... "

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