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She stood frozen there still, her mind racing to comprehend the whirlwind of events unfolding before her. She clung to the edge of reality as if it were a lifeline, grappling with the suddenness of it all. The familiar scent of her café, once comforting, now mingled with the acrid tang of uncertainty.

Yuka's heart weighed heavy in her chest as she surveyed the scene before her—the yellow tape, a stark barrier between her and the life she had known, the dry cleaning business beside her café entangled in the same web of uncertainty. Who knows?

She approached the police cautiously, her steps heavy with dread. Questions swirled in her mind like a tempest, each one demanding answers she feared to hear.

" excuse me officer?! I- " before she could continue the officer said " mam you shouldn't be here, this area is under red alert so please cooperate with us. " he turned around leving yuka speechless.

" No- I mean! What is happening here and why did you sezied the building under t-the name of i-investigation? " the words were struck in her throat but somehow she tried to exclaim.

" Why do you want to know lady? In want aspect are you related to this building or case? " The officer questioned. The situation was getting competented . " I am the owner of that cafe you have sezied. " yuka sneered pointing her cafe " helen's celemtine " board.

" oh- so you are Ms........Shinoda? Yuka Shinoda?  " finally he recognized her " Yes! T-That's me, can you tell what is happening here? Why did you do this?! "

" well, We found three dead Bodies in 2nd floor of the building and we have an info that corrupted black money from the slush funds have been illegally hidden here by a gang, yesterday night there has been a murder by that gang and the money is gone. It's a controversial matter so it's better for you to not involve. And about your café you need to move it out from this place. "

As the officers explained the situation, their words fell upon her like blows, shattering the fragile illusion of normalcy she had clung to. " What? Murder? Illegal money? What is all this? and...... how can I move out all of the sudden?! "

" I know it's hard for you mam but... it's helpless, you need move out. We have done the background check on all the stores in this building. Only your café was safe and background was clear. We tried to contact the building owner, Mr. Kenta Hirai but he wasn't receiving any of our calls and according to our sources he ran away from the country because he was also involved in it. So recommend you to move out the cafe from here to ignore the upcoming consequences. " the officer left yuka in in awe of disbelief.

With each passing moment, the truth became clearer, yet more elusive, slipping through her fingers like grains of sand. And as she stood there, grappling with the harsh reality of the situation, a single question echoed in the depths of her soul:

How could this have happened?

Her café is now tainted by the stain of suspicion. And Mr. Kenta Hirai, her elusive landlord, a figure shrouded in mystery, his absence casting a long shadow over the chaos.

- - - -

As she entered her room which is dimly lighten up through the curtains. she sat on the floor, her mind swirling with a torrent of emotions, she couldn't help but feel the weight of her past bearing down on her.

Memories of her childhood being all alone in orphanage, grew up without any support when she needed and marked by loss and hardship, each one to a test to her strength and resilience that had carried her through this stage.

Despite the odds stacked against her, she had defied expectations, channeling her pain and adversity into fuel for her dreams. With unwavering determination, she had poured her hardwork and soul into building her own business after her graduation and making an own identity herself with no financial support and-  transforming it into a haven of warmth and community.

But now, as the specter of murder and illegal dealings loomed over her peaceful atmosphere, she felt a wave of despair wash over her. How could she continue to lead her cafe with integrity, knowing that the whole building was harbored with such dark secrets?

The questions swirled in her mind like a storm, each one more daunting than the last.

How had this murder happened under her nose? Who was responsible, and what other secrets lay buried within the walls of her cafe? She was craving to all these questions.

As the gravity of the situation sank in, she realized that she stood at a crossroads, faced with a choice that would define the course of her future.

Should I turn a blind eye to the truth, clinging to the illusion of the current situation?


Should I....... confront the darkness head-on, risking everything she had worked so hard to achieve?

In the end, she knew there was only one path forward: to confront the truth, no matter how painful or terrifying it may be.

With a deep breath, she steeled herself for the challenges ahead, drawing strength from the resilience that had carried her through the darkest of times.

With determination burning in her heart, she rose from the floor, ready to face whatever lay ahead.


What the fuck is wrong with me? No no it's not the level of me to go and find out the truth.

Let me just move on from this but....... But the news is everywhere of the building being sezied which includes my cafe too .......... how can I move out the cafe again?

She thought walking towards the mirror.

" Ughh, my situation is so fucked up!!!! " she yelled at her reflection on the mirror while messing up with her hair.

Yuka POV;

There is no use of opening the café in another place, no one would willingly come after what happened. For goodness my cafe wasn't involved or else I would be in jail, Where the fuvk is that bitch hiding  leaving me this situation, Mr. Hirai I swear I will kill you.

I checked my account status in xxx - bank : 5200,000$

Pretty well, I usually save up the money and in two years. I saved 5.2 million dollars.

For 2 months, I will pay them their salary as usual until they found another job for balancing their expenses.


I will find another Job for myself, until them... I need to move on the cafe.


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