They came and I gave them their coffees. They both sat on a table while I took the floor and leaned back against the wall.

"You're off," Emily said.

"I'm not off. How'd you know what I was getting at? With the profile?" I asked.

"I can relate to that," Emily said.

"How?" JJ asked.

"When I coded in the ambulance, all I felt was cold and darkness. And I would like to think that there's a different future waiting for me," Emily said, "Now what's with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired of everyone treating me like I'm incompetent," I said and looked at JJ, "You coming over tonight?"

"Uh, Caroline is coming over," she said.

"Right. Cool," I said getting up, "We've got an UnSub to catch."

I left the room and went over to find Hotch. I found him at the perfect time as he was just gathering everyone. We put our vests on and drove over to a lake where we knew the UnSub would be right now.

Unfortunately he didn't cooperate and we had to take the shots. We got back to the station to debrief and were on our way back.

Back at the bau everyone started doing reports, given it wasn't that late and we wouldn't be stuck with them the next day. When we were done everyone started getting ready to leave.

I was the first one to go so I took the elevator to the ground floor and went to my car. On my way there I saw Caroline waiting for JJ and she stopped me.

"Hey, uh, can I talk to you for a second?" She asked.

I checked the time and looked back up at her, "Yeah, what's up?"

"How did you do it the other day?" She asked, "With JJ. How did you get her to feel better?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, I just talked to her."

"Okay let me rephrase the question then. You know her longer and probably better than I do," she said, "What can I do for her? To make her happy. On days like these and in general."

I sat on the stairs at the entrance of the fbi headquarters and thought for a second, "She always has trouble falling asleep, so she likes to cuddle."

She nodded so I continued, "She loves watching musicals and singing along. She likes watching the night sky when it rains. She likes giving gifts and getting love notes, just simple things to remind her that you care about her."

"Okay," she nodded, "Anything else?"

"I could write a book if you want," I said.

"Got it, sorry, continue," she said.

"She loves her friends so never come between her and them. She's really strong, but sometimes she needs someone to be stronger so she doesn't have to. Run your hands through her hair whenever she's sad," I said.

"Yeah, if only she let me do that," she said.

"Give her time. She has a hard time trusting people. Just stand by her side and you'll make it. The only thing you need is to remember that's she's the best thing you'll ever have. If you love her like that, she'll love you back," I told her, "Just simple things. Be understanding, caring, kind. Just like she is. She's an amazing person so if you mirror her you should be good too."

"Wow," she said, "I didn't realize you two were that close."

"We're not. She also loves cheetos, that's your number one way to her heart," I said.

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