Ch. 2 Capture the Flag

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I quickly eat the salad Teacher left for me in the cafeteria and head back to my room. I try not to spend too much time in the dining hall these days. A random Spark bugging me isn't an issue, but every so often, I get harassed by a Meat or Sock, and I can't do much about it. They're way too strong and fast for me to put up much of a fight, even with Teacher's training.

I change into my athletic gear and hang my dress up in my closet so I can wear it later at dinner. I look down at the watch on my hand. It'd be nice to be able to check the time without having to do any math, but Teacher set it fifteen minutes ahead before he gave it to me. Though, I've noticed that when I do actually go to class, it's more like eleven minutes. I'm not going to tell Teacher that though, especially when he said it would last a thousand lifetimes.

When I get to the field, I'm the first one as per usual. I go over to the shack positioned on the far end and knock on the heavy door.


"IT'S ME," I yell back.

The door opens.

"Heya, Squirt!"

Hercules and his crazy nicknames.

"Hey, need any help prepping for class?"

He shakes his head, sending his black waves into a frenzy. "Easy day today, as far as prep goes, but come on in."

He allows me to squeeze by him into the fieldhouse. The space is tight, taken up by javelins, shots, targets, and other assorted sports equipment in crates. I take a seat on one in the far corner. The area gets even smaller when Hercules closes the door.

Usually, I would rather die than be in close quarters with one of the staff, but the rumors about Hercules and I are so prevalent, it really can't get any worse. He's still killing Theron on sight, so for most students, it isn't a stretch to assume he's doing it because he's sleeping with me.

But Hercules is my friend, and I would hate for anything to come between us for the sake of my already sullied reputation.

"So, Squirt, how's everything going?"

He doesn't know about how Matthew was the one who found me and took my memories, and he has no clue that Matthew and I both went to Topside. And there's zero chance that I will ever tell him.

"Fine for the most part."

"Still getting into fights?"

I sigh. "You can tell?"

"It's easy to smell combat on you."

Is he saying I stink? He laughs in my direction. It's a deep, hearty laugh that rattles the small window in the shed. Hercules is probably the most genuine person on campus. He's also scarier than hell, but still very sweet.

"Just another Spark," I say.

Hercules grunts. "Maybe I need to expand my kill list."

"And take out a quarter of the campus every day? No thank you."

"It'd be great exercise."

I laugh. Crazy iron man, I can see him actually doing it too, that's what makes it so funny.

"Our morning runs not doing enough for you?" I say, still laughing.

He looks at me, his eyes focusing in a serious way I don't often see from him.

"No," he says.

Well damn, I know I'm not the best, but I do try. I didn't know I was holding him back.

"The solstice is coming up soon," he says, rolling one of his handmade shots with a finger.

"Ugh. Don't remind me. I am not ready to think about finals at all." I look down at my watch. "Time to line up, need me to carry anything?"

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