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Next morning:

YN woke up groggily, her head pounding with a relentless ache. Blinking against the harsh light filtering through her curtains, she tried to recall the events of the previous night. As she struggled to piece together fragments of memories, Taehyung, her brother entered the room.

Taehyung: "Hey, YN, how are you feeling?"

YN winced, rubbing her temples. "Like I got hit by a truck. What happened last night?"

Taehyung sighed, his expression a mix of concern and amusement. "Well, there was the promotion party. You had a bit too much to drink, I'm afraid."

YN's eyes widened as flashes of blurry images flooded her mind. "Oh no, not the Shot of Lies again."

Taehyung nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, you were the life of the party for a while there. But then things got a bit... messy."

YN groaned, sinking back into her pillow. "I can't believe I overdid it again. Did I embarrass myself?"

Taehyung chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Let's just say you were very enthusiastic about demonstrating your dance moves. But don't worry, nothing too embarrassing."

YN let out a relieved sigh, grateful for Taehyung's reassurance. "Thanks for filling me in. I guess I should probably lay off the Shots of Lies from now on."

Taehyung grinned. "Probably a good idea. But hey, at least you had fun, right?"

YN managed a weak smile, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I guess so. And I have you to thank for taking care of me."

Taehyung shrugged casually. "No problem. That's what siblings are for, right?"

As YN settled back into her bed, the throbbing in her head beginning to subside, she couldn't help but feel grateful for Taehyung's support. Despite the headache and the embarrassment, she knew she was lucky to have him by her side.

Y/N: *rubbing her temples* "Ugh, still have a terrible headache."

Taehyung: "Sorry to hear that. Did you take anything for it?"

Y/N: "Yeah, just some painkillers. Hey, do you remember what we talked about last night? My head's a bit fuzzy."

Taehyung: *smirking* "Oh, you mean about your celebrity crush? Yeah, you were swooning over Chris Hemsworth pretty hard."

Y/N: *groans* i see between who dropped me yesterday?

Taehyung: jungkook.

YN's eyes widened in shock as Taehyung revealed that it was Jungkook who had dropped her off the night before. She struggled to process this information, her mind racing with questions she couldn't quite articulate.

Taehyung, ever the playful tease, couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire. "Yeah, Jungkook was being a real gentleman. You seemed... different when he was around."

YN's heart skipped a beat at the implication of Taehyung's words. She felt a mix of confusion and curiosity swirling inside her. What had happened between her and Jungkook that she couldn't remember?

Unable to recall anything from the previous night, YN's mind spun with possibilities. Was there something significant she had said or done in Jungkook's presence? Or was Taehyung just exaggerating for the sake of teasing her?

Frustrated by her lack of memory and Taehyung's teasing, YN could only shake her head in disbelief. "I can't believe I don't remember anything. What did I do?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 10 ⏰

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