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At the party :

Taehyung stood tall, a gleaming smile stretched across his face as he held up a glass, commanding the attention of the crowded room. "Hey everyone, can I have your attention for a moment?" His voice rang out, excitement evident in every word.

The room quieted down, all eyes turning towards Taehyung, anticipation evident on their faces.

"I just wanted to share some amazing news with all of you," Taehyung began, his grin widening. "I've been promoted!"

A round of applause erupted from the gathered friends and colleagues, accompanied by cheers of congratulations.

As the celebration continued, Jungkook found himself standing next to YN, both feeling a bit awkward amidst the festivities. Jungkook glanced sideways at YN, noticing her fidgeting with her drink.

Jungkook: "So, um, great news about Taehyung, huh?" (trying to break the awkward silence.)

YN: "Yeah, really great," (a nervous laugh escaping her lips). "I mean, who doesn't love cake?"

Jungkook chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, cake's always a plus. But, uh, you seem a bit... tense?"

YN nodded, a sheepish smile on her face. "Yeah, I guess I'm just not great at these social gatherings. I never know what to say."

Jungkook: (nodded sympathetically.) "I feel you. Sometimes I wish I could just disappear into thin air at these things."

They both shared a laugh, the tension easing between them.

Suddenly, the sound of clapping filled the air as Taehyung was presented with a large cake adorned with congratulatory messages. Everyone gathered around as Taehyung picked up the knife, ready to make the first cut.

"Okay, who wants a slice?" Taehyung called out, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Jungkook nudged YN playfully. "You go first, I'll be your cake buddy."

YN chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Fine, but you better not steal all the frosting."

As they joined the line for cake, Jungkook couldn't help but feel grateful for the awkward moment that had brought them together. Who knew a promotion party could lead to such unexpected connections....

As Jungkook and YN reached the front of the line, Taehyung grinned at them, ready to serve up slices of cake.

"Alright, who's next?" Taehyung asked, wielding the knife with flair.

YN: "I'll go first," stepping forward eagerly.

Taehyung expertly sliced a generous piece of cake and handed it to YN with a flourish. "Enjoy!"

YN: "Thanks, broo!"( YN said with a smile, taking the plate.)

Jungkook stepped up next, eyeing the cake hungrily. "Make mine a big one!"

Taehyung laughed, cutting an even larger slice for Jungkook. "Here you go, buddy."

Jungkook accepted the plate with a grin. "You're the best, Taehyung."

With their cake in hand, Jungkook and YN found a quiet corner to sit and enjoy their dessert.

Jungkook: "Okay, moment of truth," taking a bite of his cake. "How's yours?"

YN took a taste of her cake and nodded in approval. "Not bad, not bad at all. But I've definitely had better."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And where might you have had better cake?"

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