tipsy yn

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Jungkook: *taken aback* Uh, I... I don't know what you mean.

Jimin: Come on, Jungkook. I've seen the way you look at each other sometimes. Are you sure there's nothing more there?

YN: *surprised* Jimin, that's kind of personal...

Jungkook: *stunned* Yeah, Jimin, I... I think I need that shot now.

Taehyung: Hey, YN, I've got a question for you.

YN: Shoot.

Taehyung: Do you ever catch yourself daydreaming about Jungkook when he's not around?

YN: *grins* Taehyung, do you ever catch yourself being too nosy for your own good?

Everyone: *laughs*

Taehyung: *taken aback* Whoa, okay, that was savage.
Taehyung: Alright, alright, let's see if you can handle another one. Do you ever think Jungkook might have a crush on you?

YN: Taehyung, do you ever think about minding your own business?

Everyone: *bursts into laughter*

Taehyung: *(speechless, but then chuckles)* Okay, I think I'll stick to taking shots for now.

Sara: Taehyung, you know you can't beat my best friend. !!

Jimin: *smirks* Well, Sara, I think there's room for another contender for that title.

Sara: *rolls eyes* Oh, really? And what makes you think you can compete with me?

Jimin: *leans in* Because I can make you smile like no one else can.

Sara: *deadpan* Jimin, the only thing you can make me do is roll my eyes so hard I can see my brain.

Everyone: *bursts into laughter*

Jimin: *dumbfounded* Uh... well played, Sara. Well played.

Jungkook: Hey, YN, I've got one for you. What's the one thing you fear the most?

YN: *pauses, thinking deeply* Hmm, that's a tough one... *accidentally knocks over a shot glass while pondering*

Everyone: *gasps*

YN: Whoops, guess that's two shots for me then.

Jimin: Are you okay, YN?

YN: Yeah, just a little clumsy, I guess.

Sara: Be careful, YN, we don't want you to get too tipsy.

YN: *nods* Got it, I'll watch my step from now on.

Sara: Alright, Taehyung, here's a fun one: if you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

Taehyung: *coldly* I don't know, probably something boring like super strength.

YN: *chuckles* Taehyung, if you had any less enthusiasm, you'd be a rock.

Everyone: *laughs*

Taehyung: *taken aback* Hey, that was uncalled for!

YN: *grins* Just keeping it real, Tae.

As the game continues, more shots are taken, and the atmosphere becomes livelier. However, as the night progresses, YN begins to feel the effects of the alcohol more than the others. Her laughter becomes louder, her movements clumsier, and her speech slurred.

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