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5 years ago ....

??:excuse me I am here to meet up with mr.jeon

Receptionist: welcome mr.park jimin i suppose sir Jeon is free you can go visit

Jeon Jungkook is busy working in his office when his best friend Jimin suddenly walks in.

"Hey, Jungkook!" Jimin exclaims energetically, "The party is about to start soon. Don't forget to join us there!"

Jungkook looks up from his work and sighs. "I know, I know, I'm just busy with this work right now. I will be there soon."

Jimin sits down beside him and looks at the work on his computer screen.

Jungkook: But I am really-

Jimin: Come on, stop being such a party pooper, we'll have so much fun!

Jungkook: I said I can't come, just drop it already. I need to work so let me be.

Jimin: No way bro, it's a Saturday night and you're still working?

Jungkook: I am not a slacker like you Jimin, okay! I'm the CEO of a company and I got so much more serious stuff to get done.

Jimin: Okay buddy, whatever you say.

Jungkook: Yeah whatever. It's the truth.

Jimin: Yeah yeah, sure... but come on, we're going to the party and you will have fun whether you like it or not.

Jungkook: I'm not a party type, and I am sure as heck not going to come to a party even if you drag me there.

Jimin: Watch me That's what you think. But I know how to get you to do what I want you to do.

Jungkook: Good luck with that.

Jimin: No luck needed bro. I know how to make you come to that party, so be ready for it buddy.

Jungkook: I am telling you, I am not coming.

Eventually, after a lot of convincing from Jimin, Jungkook finally agrees to go to the party with him. Jimin is delighted that he has successfully convinced his friend to come out and have fun.

"I knew you did cave eventually bro! You could never resist my charm," Jimin laughs.

"You say that as though it's true," Jungkook replies with a smile.

"But what matters is that you finally agreed, so let's just go and have a good time."

Here at yn's house :

Taehyung: Oh hey Y/N, guess what? I'have got some awesome news!

Y/N: What is it?

Taehyung: I got promoted at work today! I am the senior lawyer in the court in my law firm now!

Y/N: Wow, that's amazing! You have been working so hard for this for so long. I am so proud of you!

Taehyung: Oh thanks! I was going to throw a small party to celebrate,

Taehyung: i decided we celebrate it with my colleagues and my bestfriend

Yn: great idea,did you invite them?

Taehyung: oh yea I did i ever booked up party hall and everything and jimin is coming too afterall it's empty without my bestfriend

Yn: yea yea

Taehyung: besides who knows maybe someone might get your intrest there huh(smirks)

Yn: look taehyung i have no interest you know me

Taehyung: so sit in party looking all dolled up pretty after your the sister of the great lawyer now

Yn: oh shut up please i am scientist myself don't flatter yourself too much

Taehyung: Well that's it, I just wanted to let you know about this happy occasion. I'm excited to celebrate with you and Jimin.

Taehyung: Oh one more thing before we end this

Y/N: What is it?

Taehyung: The party will start at 8PM, so be there on time!

Y/N : okay!!

At the party :

It was a big night at the party, and everyone had gathered to celebrate Taehyung's promotion to senior lawyer. YN had just finished getting ready for the party and felt excited, but also nervous about seeing everyone again. That's when Jimin and his buddy Jungkook walked in. Jungkook was looking as aloof and disinterested as ever, while Jimin had his usual bright smile on his face. They took up some drinks, and YN quickly went over to greet them.

At that moment, YN's eyes met Jungkook's. They looked at each other for a moment, and it was like time stood still. Their eyes locked, and they both felt a surge of emotion wash over them. It was as if they had known each other all their lives, but were just now recognizing it. YN felt the chemistry and attraction between them, and Jungkook was also drawn to her.

As Jungkook stood back by himself, watching Jimin and YN talk, he felt conflicted. On one hand, he was glad that Jimin and YN were getting along so well. But on the other hand, he was jealous of the way Jimin was making her laugh and engaging in playful banter with her. He felt a bit insecure and awkward, wondering if he should step in and join the conversation. But he was also worried that if he came over, he might ruin the playful vibe between them.

Then, Jungkook's indecision made him stand there for a while, just watching them talk from afar. As he stared at them, he started to feel even more insecure and jealous. He couldn't help but wonder what Jimin was saying that was making YN laugh so much. And he couldn't help but notice how attractive YN was looking tonight. He started to feel even more overwhelmed and frustrated, but he still couldn't bring himself to step in and intervene in their conversation.

I hope u all liked it ...
Wait for the upcoming twists and turns..
What do u think will yn and jk fall in love with eachother or things would turn up different...
Wait for the next part too ..

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