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As you leave Miwa and as the school end in your way after dropping Akane home who you notice that Natsuha is getting close with her you already know the horny girl intention but you pay it no mind what important nowِِِِ...

A pair of bright big purple eyes seem to follow you in distance less than ten meters the girl with a backpack stood there her eyes staring in your direction

Y/n: Oh hey chihuahua! I mean Chiziuru need something?  

You greet her with casual expression and little teasing but seeing you doing such thing make her face even redder from anger

Chizuru: I just overheard your conversation with Miwa Sensei don't you think you are being bit rude?

Y/n: Rude? How so? All I remember is acting causal I don't think that count as stray behaviour having friendly relationship with teacher is not bad

Chizuru: Nonesense! You should respect your seniors you can't just go around school and do whatever you want it not your home there is rules you are obligated to follow!

Hearing this you pondered for a second

BB: What with bitchass Tsun Tsun? Too much daddy energy... Yosh Punch her in the face Senpai!

Y/n: I'm literaly older than your blood line in any case you are the rude one here What If I said that I am related to her will that be enough to make you go away?

Chizuru: Teacher Shirakawa said that you are an orphan so it clear lie!

BB: Kill Her 

Y/n: I tried to be nice let me start with that is this any of your business anyway what I do with teacher is none of your concern neither what happen outside the classroom your authority is too small to mind in my personal life

Chizuru: I-I just can't bear to see you messing around! Yesterday you beat up Masaru Oga so much that he is afraid of you and dare not come to school!

Y/n: Good

Even though that was mainly Akane

Chiziuru: A-And then you said that there are many people like Tamura Sensei at our school but now I don't think you are a good person either!


Y/n: you are comparing me with that Cancer of society?

You grab her cheeks and start pinching them

Y/n: I think daddy didn't rise you well such bad girl you are~

Chizuru: *Blush* U-Unhand me you brute!

you let her as she glare at you like cute pet

Y/n: Also aren't you little hypocrite? You don't think I didn't notice your doggy watery eyes when you see Tsukino? Wow such disciplined monitor having shameless thought about your teacher

Chizuru: Tsu- Tsukino-sensei

Hearing this name her face froze

Y/n: Monitor Shiina you are these kind of dreamy girls aren't you? You probably write some insert fanfic about him who know~

You lean closer to tease this easy prey

Chizuri: I-I...

The girl head began to steam and she snap

Chizuru: S-So what if I had crush on Sensei?! At least I know my lines and address him respectfully unlike you!

Y/n: You are hopeless sad girl don't you know you are too late?

Since I Hate Ugly Bastards I Will Save Every Waifu (Male Reader x Hentai Girls)Where stories live. Discover now