Marines lead the way.

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Day 3.

Location: Scotland.

Time: 21:45.

Five hundred United States Marines. 200 royal marines.

3 million infected.

All evacuation attempts have failed. The second wave of Marines won't come until 2 more weeks.

800 soldiers are scattered in Scotland.

Orders are to. "Hold your position and wait until we give an exfill point."

30 United States Marines and 10 Royal Marines hold their own somewhere in the middle of Ayrshire.

My squad was completely wiped out. And now I fight with these people I've never met. But we all have the same mission in mind. To survive.

"This is 7th platoon. We are surrounded I have 19 wounded. 7 dead. We need immediate artillery fire 100 yards east of our position. I repeat we need immediate fire 100 yards east. Is anyone there!?"

"There is no way to get out of here we are surrounded there's hundreds of infected around here we need immediate support," I say again into my radio.

"7th platoon this is USS Blue Ridge. We read you loud and clear ETA 1 Mike."

"SECOND WAVE INBOUND!" The lieutenant shouts as he cocks his rifle.

"Sir! We don't have enough ammo to fend off a second wave Sir!" I say.

"Well, you better grab a fucking knife private!" He responds.

The ground shakes and the sky lights up as a wave of artillery comes crashing down on the infected.

The soldiers cheer but the sound of running is heard again.

"All odds are against us boys! So show these cannibal pieces of shit what American steel can do! Hoorah!" Our lieutenant says.

"HOORAH!" Everyone shouts back as they cock their guns.

A royal marine next to me smiles and says. "Don't forget English steel"

"We never forget" I respond.

"Fire at will!" Our lieutenant yells.

Gunfire fills the streets and the infected get nowhere close. But as more and more pour in and we begin to run low on ammo the situation sets in.

"I'm low I need a new box!" A soldier says.

"This is the last of what we have. Use it wisely" a soldier responds as he tosses him an ammo box.

Eventually, I ran out of ammo as well.

"I'm on my last mag!" I yell.

I fire in single shots trying to make every bullet count.

"It's too dark I can't see anything!" Someone yells.

"Who has a drone!" Our lieutenant yells.

"I do sir!" I reply.

"Use thermal vision and try to see what we're facing!" He yells.

"Ay, sir!" I reply.

I set up the drone and flew it in the air. As It scans the area my face turns grim as I come to a dark realization.

"What is it Ramirez!?" My lieutenant asks.

"Sir we have misplaced x-rays all around us.. hundreds.. maybe thousands approaching our position," I respond.

"Do you have any rockets on that drone son!?" He yells back.

"Only 1 sir!" I respond.

"Shoot it at the biggest horde you can find.. or block a path somehow but use It good!" He says.

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