The Evacuation.

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I look up. There was a line of French soldiers moving down the street with a jeep. The soldiers shot infected left and right and for the most part my street was infected free

"HOLD FIRE! DO NOT FIRE AT THE GIRL!" One of the soldiers yelled to his men. "And get me a medic!"

He and a medic ran up to me. "Medic, look at her. Are you good?" the soldier said directing the last part at me. I simply noded with tears in my eyes.

"Where are your parents? He asked.

I knew he meant well but I couldn't stop myself from letting a sob escape my lips. He looked at me in confusion for a split second before a look of empathy came on his face

"Come on, you need to get to the Eiffel Tower" he said

"Why?" I ask

"That's where the evacuations are taking place. Were supposed to get as many non-combatants there as possible" He responded

"Sir, she's good" says the medic who I didn't even realize was checking me.

"Good" He said to the medic, "ALRIGHT LADS, LETS MOVE OUT!" he said to his men

"YES SIR!" The squad shouted back. We traveled throughout the city, wherever we went there was chaos. The soldiers tried to shoot down as many zombies they could but for every one they killed it seemed two took it's place.

All they could really do was pick up civilians and get as many non-combatants to the Eiffel Tower.

Finally, after about half an hour of driving through the streets of Paris we got to the tower. There were hundreds, no, thousands of people here all awaiting to be evacuated. Surrounding the tower was quickly built fortifications to keep out the infected. There was about a dozen military tucks picking up civilians and maybe a hundred civilian cars/buses as well.

"TRUCK 15 FULL!" An officer with a megaphone called out, "AWAIT PICKUP FROM TRUCK 16!"


"COME WITH ME IF YA WANNA LIVE!" A man said as he parked a school bus and opened it up for people to hop in.

"WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST!" A woman diving a truck said as people piled in.

"Get the bags on the top" A man with a van said, who was tying down bags to the roof of the van.

Left and right men, women,and children piled up into vehicles, both military and civilian. I saw a few people only allowing certain people into their vehicles but for the most part everyone was working together to get as many people out of Paris as possible.

I would be lying to say if my heart didn't swell a bit at kindness and bravery.

"Alright, lets find you a car" The soldier said.

"I didn't get to ask you this earlier, but what is your name?" I ask

"My name is Sgt. Manon Tubeir" he replied

"Well thank you Tubeir" I say grateful that he helped me

"No problem. You know that van looks like it just got here" He said, at the end of the sentence he pointed at a grey van with a whitish-greenish liquid covered all over the front.

"MA'AM!" Tubeir yelled, the women who had just came out of the van looked at him

"Yes? What is it sir?" She asked in a mix of caution and curiosity.

"Can you get this fine young woman out of the city?" He asks

She looks at me for a split second before asking "Anyone with her? Any luggage?"

"No ma'am. Just me and my golf club" I said

"Alright, get in" She said. I hoped into the van which had 6 other people in it, not including her.

"Your lucky, You got the last seat" She said as I closed the door as she began the engine

I smiled and looked out at the city I lived in my whole life. A wonderful city, the city of love.

But now it is in flames. On the radio a message was being played by the emergency services

"-must stay brave, for this is our darkest hour. But we can fight back, and so we will. VIA LA FRANCE!" the message was followed by the french anthem


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