Chapter 8

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It's been a VERY hectic week,with planning out everything for the wedding and to explaining it to the groom...
So the plan is:
The 11th of May we get Miriam's nikkah ready,with getting all the decorations in the mosque ecc...,Miriam is Indian,so she wants to follow the Indian tradition's,of course not the way of marriage since well she and her new husband are Muslim.
We prepared the white dress,and the white kurta for her Miriam's husband,the jewelry for Miriam,and the hijab...all in white.
They took their wedding in a Mosque.
Me and Miriam went by car to the Mosque,once their i stepped inside holding Miriam's hand,I could hear her heart beating rapidly,i caressed her hand comfortingly.
I could feel all gazes on Miriam,once Miriam was a bit close to the "stand" of her Nikkah,I let her hand go,she looked back at me with tears in her eyes,I had tears as well even tho I had already cried at night,we had been best friends since elementary school and now seeing her get married is very important to me,maybe even more important than for her..
Once the Nikkah and the part where they both agreed to get married ended,the both of them hugged,and after I saw Miriam's eyes searching for mine,once our gazes met she ran over to me and hugged me tightly,I hugged back...
"Don't cry,or else your makeup will get ruined" I chuckled as I caressed her veil.
She chuckled also and pulled away.
"Are you gonna spend your Nikkah with me also? Go to Ali" I said.
She nodded and went to her now husband who was waiting for her.
Assalamuwalaikum brothers and sisters,I am SOO SOO SORRY,I have been soo busy with my last exams that I forgot about writing,so I will post another chapter tomorrow,and please forgive me for posting this chapter late... and also the next one...

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