Chapter 3

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I woke up today because of a notification on my phone,it was an anonymous number.
It read: We want you to come work for us.
I have been searching for a job for at least over a year now,and this notification was the notification I was waiting for.
So i sat up,and texted:
Of course,may I get to know further details?.
The company apparently was looking for a new office worker to help them with the new tourist businesses,and I gladly accepted.
The boss of the company,asked me to meet in person,for some "business" reason? Of course I went since well he's gonna be my boss so I wanna have a good relationship with him.
So we agreed to meet in this bar,in the biggest mall in California,South Coast Plaza.
I texted his assistant,to know witch one of these men was my future boss,the assistant told me that he had already seen me, I saw a familiar ,dark hair,6'6,wearing a suit,and MashaAllah pretty good looking.
"Assalamuwalaikum, miss.Aisha" a familiar cold voice said.
"Walaikumassalam" I said,still trying to figure out who it was.
The man,noticed my curiosity and chuckled,
"Ahmed Hamza,I'm Ahmed Hamza,the guy you bumped into at the masjid".
I tried regaining composure,even tho I'm sure he saw my shocked face.
"No need to be so shocked miss Aisha" he said with the cold smirk he has.
"Uhm sir may I ask,why did you choose me to work for you?" I asked.
"You're perfect for the role" he said coldly.
We finished the "meeting" talking about the company.
Assalamuwalaikum guys!,hope you guys like this chapter,the next chapters will be short but after a few chapters there will be longer chapters.
Next Friday another chapter will be published.

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