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Lets stream Rm this time guys!!
How are u today? Are u sad?

Time skip to 2 month--

7 in morning in Kim mansion-

It's been 2 month since taekook got married and the new phase of life just has started for them...

A loud deep angry voice rang through kim household ...


Where the hell is my clothes !!

Hearing angry voice of his husband kook ran to his room just to see his husband throwing all clothes out of cupboard with angry face ...

Kook gupled and said hu-huby?

Tae angrily turned around yelled WHERE IS BLUE MY SUIT?

kook flinch with harsh and loud voice with nervous voice he said i-i gave it for dry cleaning...

Tae angrily went towards kook and ask WHY?? I REMEMBER TELLING I HAD MEETING SO JUST READY MY SUIT ??

THEN ? * yelled*

Kook gupled with scared face and said i-it was dirtied while cle-clea-ning ...

Tae angrily clench his jaw and went to wear other shirt and pant....

Koo worriedly glance at his husband and went outside..

After 20 mintues

Kook was waiting for his husband on breakfast table when he saw his husband came out hurridely wearing cream shirt with brown trouser ,indeed koo husband lookes handsome in simple color clothes withou any efforts ,he admire his husband and got up to bring coffee..

Tae sat on table looking at clock he has important meeting with directors and ceo as he has to submit reports today !

Tae - HURRY ! *ice cold tone*

Kook hurriedly took coffee mug and went outside ..

He was about to give it to his husband when his feets slip and

Boom 💥


Kook hold himself from slipping just to get startle with loud angry voice



And before koo can register he felt tight sting on his left cheek ...

Kook widen his eyes along with everyone who coming from outside...

Kook eyes left tears when he recognize that his husband has slapped him... he with teary eyes look at tae just to see him galring and fumming in anger ... how can u do this tae?? * shock expression with angry tone*

Tae angrily said I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS and hurridely went to his room to get changed ...

Officer's Abusive Husband ? ☆ | TAEKOOK+ Where stories live. Discover now