Thank you note

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Thank you for all my readers that have been patient with the story, originally the story wasn't supposed to be like this, it had a similar plot to this but the ending was when the two got together and the epilogue was when they got married and had kids and Snotlout and Merida got together and everyone had their happily every after with their own family.

In the original plot, when they found out that Astrid was a Hofferson, Hiccup was supposed to know that she was the same best friend he grew up with but since your dear author likes to create imagination and just write them without laying out the exact plot, the plot started to head towards America... I'm so sorry for that.

Here are some removed parts of the story when I revised it, the first was when Valka teased Astrid with "darling~", in the original plot, Astrid's full name was 'Astrid "Kelsie" Hofferson' in which the name Kelsie means daring and I read it as darling, so in the original when they found out about its meaning her classmates started to tease her because the meaning of the name didn't suit her (when it actually did?). It was removed when I revised a few chapters due to it being random (like me) so yeah!

Additionally, there was supposed to be a side story, I think 2? The first was when they started to build their family and had Zephyr with Nuffink while the second one was their honeymoon. I got lazy and lost the motivation to do them so forgive me 🥹🤧

Overall the story wasn't very satisfactory for me but I'm glad some of you still read it and beared with my late updates. Special thanks to Hicstridk who is one of my first reader in this story. I don't know the rest since Hicstridk was the only one to reach out to me to ask about updates, so I'm sorry to those readers I cannot mention but I am grateful to all of you! Also, thank you so much for 1k+ reads! I love all of you and see you on my next story A Chase That Never Ends

Edit: So I was scrolling through my notifications and I just realized there are those notif who voted for a chapter in this story and read them, so here they are:



(WARNING: A Chase That Never Ends may also be heading to America since there is no specific plot and I just imagined one scene, decided to make it a novel and now I don't know where this plot is headed... I'm sorry again 🥹)

Again, If I was Yours has OFFICIALLY ENDED

(Artwork not mine, crdts: Raide)

THANK YOU AND HAVE A GREAT DAY(Artwork not mine, crdts: Raide)

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