'Demons' by Imagine Dragons: Chapter Two

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The hairstyle above is the one Elora is taught to do at her lessons, except she has red hair. 


When West saw the girl with those thigh-long brown curls, pale face, splash of freckles and beautiful clear grey eyes, he nearly jumped off his throne.

West had been waiting for the new slaves to come in, thinking about his dead father's last request. "You will take the throne. You will rule our kingdom. You will find a woman. For me, and your mother." West didn't care an inch for his dying father, and felt no remorse as that other one girl he had fallen for stabbed his patriarch in the back.

You will remember me and fear me. I am a girl fighting in the war. And he did. How could he not, with those red curls, pale face, and fierce clear green eyes dressed in ragged brown leather and wielding a bow and arrows? All those people who had failed him, all of those who had broken his heart... That curly red haired girl had said her final words with her fierce stare, and he had listened, watching her, but one minute later she had been betrayed by her father... killed gruesomely, stabbed the same she had did... but they had won. The neighboring kingdom had become into his land.

West had watched her die with no satisfaction like he usually did when someone killed an enemy, but felt something that was very much unfamiliar to him. He had held her in his arms, those beautiful emerald eyes hardening into the same fierce gaze that had once befallen upon him, but now directed to the stars, and he had a little jealousy that she was looking at them for her finale instead of him.

And yet now he felt that same strange feeling as the beautiful captured slave was hauled into the room. Despite the fact that red lashes and a few bloodstains crossed her cheeks, she looked angry and determined, fierce and uncontrolled, just like the other one... a wild spirit, a primal force of nature, justice that couldn't be killed, even when she was dead.

As the axe was positioned at the back base of her neck, West felt a burning sensation in him- desire, and anger. He had to win this girl's heart. But he couldn't show his soft favoritism to his guards.

"Name, age, and occupation?" West asked in a steely cold voice. 

"Elora Aria-Grace Bianca Chante Constelle , 16, helper of the townspeople of Amethyst Harbour, Autumnvale. My defence?! You should not be capturing our people! Leave us alone, transport us back and stay away from us!" The woman, Elora Aria-Grace Bianca Chante Constelle, said.

West had not been expecting such a heated, spirited answer back. Most women went to a Ladies Manners School to learn how to cook, clean, be pretty and not talk back to their to-be husbands. 

"Well, in a different case, I would've gifted to you that thee are beautiful, but even after that I still want you. Your trial is dismissed. You will be sent to the Ladies Academy to give you proper clothes, teach you some manners and be ready for when I wed you on the Criminal's Doomsday. Those labelled criminal will be sacrifices, instead of getting the current people from the gallows."

The axe was removed from her petite head and as she was escorted out of the throne room, she glared at West like he was the cause of all of this. And he probably was, since he was the one who had the greed to launch the attack on  Autumnvale. He nearly felt a bit of remorse, except then he got angry at himself. He had failed his audition for her, and forced her to wed without asking her, which made him look forceful and unprejudiced because it was like he made all the decisions without even getting approval. He flushed in embarrassment, and glared at the other slaves who were waiting to be directed. He didn't bother for names.

"You are prisoner, to be killed, you are servant, nursery for your child, slave, slave, servant, slave, criminal, criminal, slave, criminal, criminal, nursery, criminal, slave, servant..."

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