6. first fight, first god

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We stepped into the diner it was so alone and there was one worker. One big, hairy worker.

He had long black hair tied up in a bun, a gold nose ring, a white apron and had hairy arms. He had to be at least 7 feet tall! He was huge!

The worker grinned and said, "helloo, what may I get you?" his coffee stained teeth looked through his lips.

Annabeth spoke up, "3 menus please"
The man nods and hands us 3 menus, saying, "find a booth, i'll be with you in a few."

We all sit down and relax, glancing over the menu. The worker, Monty, walks over with a notepad, we say our order and he goes back to the kitchen. It was a long wait before we got our food and started eating, it tasted weird.

"Uhm excuse me, but, i ordered the breakfast sandwich." Percy spoke softly

Monty says, "no you didn't.."

Percy says, "yes, i did."

Monty gets mad and his nose gets bigger, he gets hairier. What the heck was going on?! Monty turns into this bull man, minotaur... we all scream and try to run away. Percy tries to kick the minotaur and Annabeth swats at his face with the knife she had.

I get on the table and go to kick his head, I small trick I had learned at training.

The minotaur grabs my legs and throws me into a glass case. My body burns in pain when I crash into hit. I breath hard, trembled breaths and try to move, a heavy shelf had fallen on me...

Percy looks over and I saw a small flash of anger in his eyes. He takes out a pen and uncaps it. I let out a soft gasp when it turns into a huge sword.

Percy stands still and glares at the bull..

The minotaur runs at him. Percy jumps out the way, landing on a counter then jumps on his back. Stabbing his sword deep into the monsters back..

The Minotaur roared and dusted away... Percy ran to me and tossed to board off me. He gently picked up slight and leaned me on a wall.

Annabeth walks over, holding a small bag with glowing, yellow cubes. She gently put one of the cubes in my mouth. they tasted like warm buttery popcorn and in clockwork I felt better.

Percy smiled softly and said, "can you stand?"

I looked up And tried to stand, my knees were weak but I managed. Percy held my arms and helped me out the diner.

I smiled at him and nodded, "yeah, I can stand. Thanks Percy."

Percy just smiled and kepts walking.

After what felt like forever we found a park and annabeth suggested we go rest for a while. I sat on a bench and leaned my head back, I was so tired I might've fallen asleep right then and there.

Annabeth says, "he Y/N I see a concessions stand with water, still got money?"

I open on eye and nod, mumbling, "in my bag..."

Annabeth nods and grabs the money, walking over to the stand. While she's gone a biker with red hair and sunglasses pulled up.

For some reason Percy didn't look the happiest. The hiker looked at Percy and smirked.

"What do you want ares..." Percy spoke coldly, like the name ares was dirt in his mouth.

The biker said, "don't act too disappointed now Jackson... So you're the little skidde finding my shield? Hmm?" He turns his attention to me.

I look up, nervous...

"Y-yes Lord ares..."

Ares scoffed and said, "my gods, please, just call me ares.. Honestly hate that 'Lord' shit..."

I swallow hard and nod. Ares crosses his asta, staring me down, like I was pray.

He speaks again, "well, if I can saying, I want to say this," he leans closer, "if I found out you broke, scratched, or used my shield at all pip squeak I'll turn you into a cannon ball..."

I swallowed the lumb in my throat...

"Back off Ares! This is her first quest! Maybe take better care of your precious shield!" Percy yells, getting in front of me and ares.

Ares' glasses started to melt and he gritted his teeth.

"You better watch your tongue seaweed..." Ares growls, then he scoffs and drives off..

I look at Percy in disbelief, he had just yelled at a god.. Without a hint of hesitation!

"Area looks pretty strong" I mumble

"Hes the God of war?" Percy says

"Not what I ment.." I glance away and see annabeth walking back. I smile as she holds e ice cold bottles of water.

I grab one and drink it fast.

"Slow down Y/N, you'll get a stomach ache!" She warned

I look at annabeth and chuckled, brushing my lips with my knuckles.


Hello my doves!

So sorry this was a short chapter! Ive been busy with school but I have like 10 days left of school and then I'll be free!

I made this chapter a little shorter so I could get something out soon, I promise they'll be longer!

Bye bye!

Word count:866

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