Music & Mind Control

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The class got properly equipped to shoot their targets. Each student took a turn to shoot the test dummies while the professor of the course evaluated them based on the speed, ammunition and accuracy. When it was Allen's turn to shoot, he began doing well until he got carried away with the adrenaline he felt upon shooting and wasted the ammo. The professor gave a stoic stare and clicked his tongue in disapproval, some of the students exchanged concerned looks.

One of the plexi glass windows got cracked.

Allen got sent to the principal's office. When he looked through the glass door he saw the principal attending a business call before he casted a glare at the student before turned his desk chair from the side, his back facing the student while Allen hesitated to enter the principal's office.

The principal sent a virtual document from his computer before closing the window of the website as he signalled the student to enter. Allen took his seat while the principal eyed the student intently without the intention to intimidate though his sour countenance was misleading to say the least.

“I just received a report.” The principal commented, “You have two strikes; the first one was for the misuse of a firearm, the second strike was for property damage.”

“Yes sir.” Allen murmured a reply, looking at the furnished desk, the resin giving the wooden surface a seemingly immaculate finish.

“I assume that you are struggling with,” the principal paused for a second, noticing a saddened countenance upon the redhead, “anger issues.”

Repressed anger, lack of self-esteem and religious guilt among of the few facets that reflected upon his mental health not to mention that one of his medical records had mentioned that he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at one point which explained in part the aversion of eye contact and the dismissal of some social cues.

“Listen Murray, it's understandable to feel impotence at times given how difficult some of the recent events have been.” The principal referred to Reynold's case and the recent school shootings that had taken place in other schools, “But you need to have better control over your impulses.”

“Yes, sir.” Allen looked at the principal and took in his physical features, moreover the shape of his head and jawline. Allen fiddled with the strap of his backpack to feel the texture as a way to alleviate stress.

“This is your last warning, one more strike and you will get expelled from the academy.” The principal stated, Allen clenched his hand around the strap. The bell rang before the principal had allowed him to leave the office.
Allen empathized with Richard in part about losing his dad. Although in Allen's personal experience, he had witnessed his father pass away from a stroke and his only cousin get kicked out of the house in a blink of an eye.

Aster was like an older brother that he grew up with.

Aster was Allen's polar opposite: extroverted, expressive, lackadaisical, upbeat, and courageous. Aster had always called him Dimple despite that he rarely smiled. Aster was usually the one who could carry a conversation for the both of them when they were children. Allen followed Aster around the house and played with him, it had been a routine.

Aster would come to Allen's room to join him when it came to building blocks, playing puzzles or board games. Aster and Allen teamed up to do the chores and clean up the mess, leaving Allen to clean most of it in the end. Allen would then follow Aster outside to play whatever outdoor activity his cousin had in mind and so on. There had been occasions when Aster annoyed him with his questions, the cuddling and idle talk. Even though Allen didn't like physical affection that much, he allowed Aster to hug him because that was his way of showing how much he cared.

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