Chapter 5: You Hurt Who I Love More Than You Hurt Who You Loved

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Edward's POV:

"Renesmee!" I screamed. Oh my god. I lost our kid and Bella's gonna kill me!

I heard her giggle, but I couldn't hear her thoughts.

I could smell Jacob, but I ignored that smell. It was disgusting. I couldn't find her anywhere. EJ was laughing from where I'd left him. I ran everywhere.

Then I looked up, "Oh."

There she was. Of course, Renesmee would be hiding behind Jacob. She was wearing what I assumed was his jacket. I kicked myself mentally for not realizing that myself. I climbed to where she was.

I grabbed her and started climbing, she did put up a fight, though.

"Let me go!" she shrieked.

"Renesmee, cooperate!" I asked of her, "Please!"

She touched my face, Maybe one day. But not today!

"Jacob!" she screamed, "Help!"

EJ jumped up next to us, "Ren, you wouldn't dare!"

She smirked, "It's already done!" Jacob was in his wolf form, by the tree, Renesmee looked at him in sorrow, "Jake. Help me?"

Jacob nodded and looked at me Does she actually need it? Or is she just resisting you?"

"The second one," I said, hopping down. Renesmee and EJ followed. I sighed, "Renesmee," I held out my hand to her and reluctantly took it.

We walked into the woods, for a few miles before she spoke, "Where are you taking me?" she sounded afraid.

"We're almost there," she looked at me and nodded. Once we were deep in the forest, I stopped. It was murky and black.

She hid behind me, "Why have you taken me here?" She touched my leg, I'm scared. She showed me her being afraid.

"Because," I picked her up, covering her eyelids, "We're not there yet. You won't be scared once we're there."

She nodded, trembling. She momentarily forgot I could read her mind, He wouldn't kill me would he? That'd be cruel. Mama, Jacob, EJ, Sasha, Auntie Jane, Uncle Alec, Cousin Demetri, Cousin Felix, and Grandpa Aro would kill him. He seems nice enough. I should really give him a chance, but, he hurt Mama so badly. I just want to keep her safe, like she's done for me. But, he also makes her so happy. Wait can he hear me now? Oh no! Get out of my head!

I continued walking to a wonderful meadow, much like mine and Bella's as if I'd heard nothing at all.  Once we were in the center I set her down, "We're here."

"Wow," was all she said. She ran to the edge and begun to pick black flowers, running back to me and plopping down in a matter of seconds.

She begun to tie the flowers together into a crown, once she was done, she placed it on her head. I couldn't help but smile.

I sat down next to her, and she looked up at me curiously. "Why have you brought me here?"

The crown was spiking out like barbed wires, but the flowers added an almost elegant look to it. "Renesmee, why do you hate me?"

She looked at me, with, shame? "I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you, but I don't hate you."

I cocked an eyebrow up and she sighed, "Edward, I just extremely dislike you."

"That's ridiculous, I've done nothing to you!" I knew what she meant, but I didn't want her to think I was invading her privacy.

"No it's not!" she screamed.

She calmed herself down, breathing in and out, Jacob wouldn't want you upset. Jacob wouldn't want you upset. Jacob wouldn't want you upset.

After she repeated this she sighed, "Believe it or not, but you hurt who I love more than you hurt who you loved."

I flinched at the word loved, in the past tense. "I love your mother," I whispered.

"Yeah, and I know you tried to protect her. But I don't know if you realized how much you hurt her. If she hasn't found Sasha, she'd probably have gone nuts."

I nodded, "So, how does this relate to you disliking me."

"Listen, I'm grateful she was changed by Laurent. Otherwise I'd be without mother. But, think about it. Your mom's ex-boyfriend and YOUR father walks out, and doesn't look back. Suddenly, he comes back, out of absolutely NOWHERE! Wouldn't you be a little reluctant he'd walk out again?"

She looked at me, piercing daggers into me, "I would." I replied reluctantly.

"See, now you understand me," she looked up at me stubbornly, then softened, "Now let me try to understand you. Why are you here?" She asked me quizzically.

"I don't know." I replied honestly, "I didn't want to walk out on you, not when I know I have two beautiful children."

She nodded I see.

"Goodbye...Father," she ran towards the woods.



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