Chapter 2:What Just Happened?

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Edward's POV:

"Are you my daddy?" EJ asked, tears in his eyes.

"I-I-" I stuttered. Is he my son? No, that's impossible. We only did it one time!

"Yes, he is your father," Sasha walked over and took EJ from my arms and ushered for Jacob to follow.

"Come children, you need to drink something," she walked out with the kids, my kids, and led them to the kitchen. Bastard! He can't just come back because he feels like it! He left Bella in the forest to die! Pregnant! But noooo she still loves him! These kids have grown up with a single mother, and a nanny! He can't just come back! I want him to, for the kids. EJ seems to feel happy with him coming back, but Renesmee still resents him.

How could my child resent me? She barely knows me!

"Come," Bella looked at me and then to my family, "If you want, you can tag along too."

She walked out of her room and back into the living room.

"Sasha, can you come here for a second?"

In half a millisecond, Sasha was right next to her, "Yes Bella, what can I do for you?" She glared at me then looked back at Bella softly.

"Clear my schedule for the day, tell Olivia she can't come over," she sighed.

"What shall I tell her, as an excuse?"

"Tell her I have to do some family bonding, with my children," Bella looked up at Sasha, "Thank you." They smiled warmly at each other and Sasha ran upstairs.

"So, I owe you all an explanation," she began.

"Yeah, let's start with, why the hell didn't we know about them?" Emmett asked.

She sighed, "I assumed Edward didn't want anything to do with them. His last words to me included, 'You will never hear from me again,' and 'It'll be like I never existed.' Yet, here are two reminders he indefinitely existed," she let out another sigh. "Renesmee blames Edward for my death," she added finger quotation marks around the word, "EJ has always wanted to get to know his father, but Renesmee always found a way to talk him out of it."

"Who turned you?" Carlisle asked curiously.

"Laurent," everyone gasped, "He actually did me a favor. Victoria was a few hundred miles away, and wanted to make me suffer. Edward killed James, and she wanted to kill me."

Everyone was silent, "She figured since he left, now was the best time," she shrugged again.

She began to talk about meeting Sasha and having her kids.

After she was done she ended with, "And now we're here."

"Bella, I had no idea, I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" I begged. Sitting at her knees.

"I forgive you, so does EJ. Renesmee will be harder to convince, she hates you guts," she sighed again, "She resents herself for looking like you, and envies EJ for getting my features."

I sighed, "What just happened?" Emmett asked confused.

EJ walked in, and looked up at Jasper. Who, despite disliking the child, picked him up, suddenly in love with him. He smiled, and so did EJ.

"Are you my uncle?" He asked curiously.

"Yes," Jasper replied, putting the child in his lap.

"Do you have a gift?" EJ asked curiously.

"Yeah, I can read emotions," Jasper said.

EJ thought really hard and smiled, "I believe you!"

"Didn't you believe me before?"q Jasper inquired.

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