Chapter 1:The Concert

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Narrator's POV:

I'm soooo bored!

Do I look good enough for tonight? Yeah!

Where's my hairbrush?

We should use those concert tickets!

Edward shot up off the sofa and ran to Emmett, "Emmett, you're a genius!"

"I am?" Emmett asked eagerly.

"Yeah! We should totally use those concert tickets!" he replied, trying to be enthusiacstic for his siblings.

"The concert's tomorrow, so we'll go then," Edward nodded as he pulled the tickets from the drawer, Olivia Rodrigo's World Tour! Ft. A Surprise Singer! ,"I'll go tell everyone!"

Edward sighed as he put the tickets back down and ran up the stairs to his room. They moved into this house in Finland about two years prior, and he disliked it, but didn't say anything. His siblings all worried about him, Bella is dead, obviously. It's been over one hundred years, of course she's dead, and Edward refuses to move on.

Edward's POV:

On our way to the concert, a black limo passed us on the drive there, and I smelt a hint of something sweet and floral. Weird.

We got there about thirty minutes before it started, so we went and got in our seats. We had centralized box seats, one of the best views of the stage.

After about thirty-five minutes of waiting, Olivia emerged from the left side and walked on stage. She was in a short purple dress, purple high heels, and had a pair of elbow-lengthed purple gloves on to match.

There was another figure who emerged onto the stage from the left side, and the crowed cheered. She was wearing a short dark blue dress, blue high heels, and a pair of blue pair of gloves onto match, and her eyes were a soft gold.

The surprise singer looked up toward our box, looking for something, and then she caught my gaze. Bella.

How was this possible? "Are you seeing this?" I asked the rest of my family.

They all shook thier heads, "The girl in blue is Bella!" they all snapped to look at her again, and she was still staring. She had soft, oxyn colored eyes.

"How is that possible?" Alice asked, "How did I not see her?"

Before I could reply a new voice entered my head, Hello Edward.

I looked back down at Bella who was smirking, This one's for you. She winked and suddenly everything became quiet. I couldn't hear anything. No voices, mental or physical, and the all attention was on the stage.

"Hellooooo, Finland!" Olivia said into the her microphone, and the crowd cheered, screaming at her voice, "And I hope you like my little surprise!" the crowd screamed even louder.

Bella waved and people cheered. After about half hour, they eventually began to sing what I recognized to be her song Get Him Back! But they changed the lyrics.

"I met a guy in winter, but he left me that fall," Bella sang out.

"He argued with her about everything!"

"He had an ego and a temper and," Bella whispered the next part, "He was a masochist by heart."

"He said he's six-foot-two and, I'm like 'Dude, nice try'"

"But he was so much fun! And he had such a nice fam!" Bella sang out, glancing in my direction for a split second.

"And he would take her out on a date, and the night would never end,"

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