Chapter Five

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I looked ahead of us and cursed, "Damn it." Ironhide looked at the scene, "Optimus. Incoming!" Optimus looked at everyone, "Roll out." The Autobots transformed and Sam, Kaela, and I hopped into Optimus' cab as we sped off from the cops. I sat in the driver's seat and looked in the mirrors to ensure they didn't gain on us. We got out of Optimus and he transformed, holding his hand out to us, "Up you get." We climbed onto his hand and onto his shoulders as he ran under the bridge from the helicopters. I laughed as Optimus lost them in town and we headed to an overpass and hid in the bridge supports.

Sam and Kaela shifted on Optimus' neck and he whispered, "Easy you two. Kennedy, are you okay?" I nodded, holding the glasses, "I'm okay." Kaela slipped at the moment and took me down with her. Kaela held onto my arm as I held onto Optimus, "Sam!" I gritted my teeth, "Sam, when I lift her up, you need to take her." Sam shook his head, "Kenny-" I yelled, "Don't argue!" I pulled Kaela up with one arm and Sam grabbed her, but I lost grip, falling into the deepest part of the water at the bottom with the glasses, hearing Sam yell my name.

I held my breath as I stayed underwater, seeing as the helicopters were coming this way. I gasped for breath as I launched out of the water and I looked around to see everyone but Sam, Kaela, and Bee. I took a breath and looked at Optimus, "What happened?" Optimus sighed, "Bee was captured as well as Sam and Mikaela." I laid my head against the concrete and teared up. Ratchet spoke up, "Where are the glasses?" I held them up, "Right here."

Ironhide looked at Optimus, "Are we just going to stand here and do nothing?" Optimus sounded sad, "There's no way to free Bumblebee without harming the humans." I pointed at him, "Quite being so gentlemanly like before I marry you on the spot." Optimus looked amused but Ironhide kept arguing, "But it's not right. He..." Optimus interrupted, "Let them leave." 


We all stood on a building as I walked along the edge and Optimus whispered to the glasses, "Please let this work." Jazz stood beside me, "Fire it up Optimus." Optimus screen projected through the glasses, "The code. The code on these glasses indicated the All Spark is two hundred and thirty miles from here." Ratchet looked around, "I sense the Decepticons are getting ready to mobilize." Ironhide nodded, "They must know it's here, as well." Jazz sounded annoyed, "What about Bumblebee? We can't just leave him to die and become some human experiment!" 

Optimus looked at Jazz, "He'll die in vain if we don't accomplish our mission. Bumblebee is a brave soldier. This is what he would want?" I frowned, "What? You can't be serious, Optimus!" Ironhide looked pissed, "Why are we fighting to save the humans? They're a primitive and violent race. No offense, Kennedy." I was pissed, "None taken. Optimus, you can't leave Bee behind. He is part of your family. Humans suck there is no doubt about it. But I get you that Sam was taken where Bee is. He can convince them to let him go. Humanity is shit!" Optimus looked at Ironhide, "Were we so different? They're a young species. They have much to learn. But I've seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. You all know there's only one way to end this war. We must destroy the cube. If all else fails, I will unite to with the spark in my chest."

Ratchet was astonished, "That's suicide. The cube is raw power. It could destroy you both." Optimus didn't look at me, "A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet." Ratchet argued, "You'd die and leave your sparkmate? You'd leave Kennedy?" I looked upset, "You think dying is going to save our planet? You're wrong. The human race will always find a way to kill peace." Optimus ignored me, "It's been an honor serving you all." I scoffed and walked away, hearing Jazz whistle, "You've done it now." 

Optimus followed me, "Sweetspark-" I gritted my teeth, "Don't sweetspark me. Isn't there another way? Just last night you said you wanted to make this work. You are an endless ping-pong ball. I know we're different, Optimus. I truly know that. Humans aren't paying for your mistakes. We're making our own. Nothing you do will change that. I've been through this with Sam for two days, he's probably with Bee as we speak telling the soldiers to let him go. You're just going to give up?" Optimus sighed, "It's more complicated than that." I shook my head, "No, it's not. You're just choosing this way because you don't want to do the math and see another possibility. You do what you want, Optimus. I won't stand in your way. We would have been great together. I'm going to ride with Ironhide...Unless I'd be better suited to stay here?" 

Optimus didn't say anything so I walked over to Ironhide, leaving him to think about everything. 

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