Chapter Three

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Optimus looked shocked as he stared at Ratchet, "Ratchet, are you positive?" Ratchet nodded, "Her soul and your spark are intertwined." Optimus gazed into my eyes and I did the same before Sam shoved me slightly, "Quit that!" I smacked the back of his head, "Do that again and I'll make sure the cops are cleaning up your blood from the walls." Sam held up his fists and I went to punch him only for Optimus to lean over and pull me to him, "You already know your guardian, Bumblebee."

I smiled at Bee as he started boxing, "I was close with the Bee." Bee threw fists, "Check on the rep, second to none." Sam smiled, "So you're my guardian, huh?" Ratchet lazered Bee's throat, "His vocal processors were damaged in battle. I'm still working on them." Kaela looked up at Optimus, "Why are you here?" Optimus answered her, "We are here looking for the All Spark. And we must find it before Megatron." Sam looked up at him, "Mega-what?" Optimus played out an image, "Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just, until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars. Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him. It was an accident that intertwined our fates. Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the cube. He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates of the cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses." 

Sam looked shocked, "How'd you know about his glasses?" Optimus stared at him, "eBay." I deadpanned at Sam, "eBay." Ratchet looked at us, "If the Decepticons find the All Spark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army." Optimus looked sad as he looked at me, "And the human race will be extinguished. Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival."

Kaela looked at Sam, "Please tell me that you have those glasses." Sam shook his head, "I sold them." Kaela looked pissed, "To who?!" Sam smirked and pointed at me, "Her." Kaela looked at me and I shrugged, "They looked cool and I helped Sam buy Bee. What do you want from me?" Optimus nodded, "Autobots, transform. We need to take Kennedy and Sam back to their house to find the glasses. Kennedy, would you like to travel with me?" I blushed as Bee started playing romantic music and nodded, "Of course." 

All the Autobots transformed and I hopped into Optimus' front seat as they drove to the Witwicky's house. I blushed as I looked at my hands, "So...I guess we're supposed to be together?" Optimus hummed, "I suppose so. It's rare that Cybertronians have sparkmates outside of their species but this is a special case." I rubbed the back of my neck, "Well if you're uncomfortable with this situation. I could ask Ratchet if there is a way we can break-" Optimus cut me off, "No! No, no, no. I don't want to break it off, Kennedy. I've waited so long to find my sparkmate and I don't care that you are human. I can ask Ratchet to work on holograms for us to blend in with everyone."

I smiled, "Really?" Optimus chuckled, "Really. So if you're not related to Sam, why are you living with him?" I smiled, "I'm from Texas and my brother and niece are there. Sam came with his parents on vacation a couple of years ago and I ran into them as they needed directions. Sam and I hit it off pretty well and his parents offered to house me during my college years." Optimus turned down a street, "What are you going to college for?" I smiled, "Foreign Affairs. Ironic huh?" Optimus chuckled, "It seems like our fates were definitely intertwined. I'm glad I found you, but we have to be careful. I don't know how my kind will look at this." I nodded, "Definitely. But it will all work out."

The Autobots stopped in the alley beside the Witwickys house and I hopped to the ground from the cab of Optimus. Sam looked at Kaela, "I'm going to need you to stay here, alright? You got to stay here and you're gonna watch them. Kenny and I are going for the glasses. We'll be five minutes." Sam and I hurried to the back door, but Sam ran in the grass and I ran on the path. Ron sarcastically looked at Sam, "Thanks for staying on my path." Sam nodded, "Oh, yeah." Ron went to open the door and I smiled, catching it, "Hey, Ron! How about you relax inside and I'll have Sam sweep the whole path right now as I clean up the patio?" Ron hummed, "You know Sam, your sister buys half your car. Then I bail you out of jail and then I just decided to do all your chores. Yeah. Life is great, huh?" 

I looked behind Sam to see the Autobots transforming and Sam panicked, "Oh, the trash cans. Sorry, Dad. I'm gonna do the trash cans now." Ron opened the screen door, "No, no. I don't want you to strain yourself or beg your sister." I caught Ron's wrist lightly and smiled, "Please, Dad. It would mean a lot to Sam and me if you let us do them all right now." Ron smiled tearfully, "Dad?" I nodded with a smile, "You've been the only father figure in my life that I truly love as family." Ron kissed my forehead, "You've given me the best gift. Thank you. Judy, guess what Kenny just called me!" Ron hurried back into the house after closing the door behind him and Sam sighed, "Thanks." 

I smiled, "That wasn't a lie, Sammy." Sam smiled, "Don't get mushy on me now. We have to find those glasses." Sam turned and faced Optimus, "What are you doing? What are you doing? Kennedy, tell your tall and robotic husband to watch the path!" I grimaced as Optimus crushed the fountain and he sounded sheepish, "Oops. Sorry. My bad." Sam started freaking out and I smiled, "It's okay, Optimus." I glared at Sam, "So what's this about you getting bailed from jail?" Sam waved me off, "Not now!" 

Sam ran over to Kaela and I saw Mojo run over to Ironhide, only to pee on his leg. I face-palmed repetitively and groaned, running over to the base of my window, and started to climb up. Bee whirled and stood behind me. I shrieked as I slipped and Bee caught me, stabilizing me. I smiled and whispered, "Thanks, Bee." Optimus stood at my window as I climbed in and rummaged around, "Hurry, Ken." I threw something across the room, "Patience is a virtue, Opt." Optimus groaned, "Don't be the voice of reason, sweetspark." I blushed and opened the drawer to my bedside table, but looked around when the lights went out. Judy and Ron knocked on my door, "Kennedy?" I hissed and grabbed the glasses, "Optimus, I got them!" Optimus nodded, "Great." Ron banged on my door again, "Kennedy, are you okay?" I cursed under my breath and tripped over my bag to get to the window to hand the glasses over.

Optimus ducked out of sight when my bedroom door opened and I smiled, "Hey, mom. Hey, dad. Sorry. I was listening to music." Judy smiled, "Awe. You called me Mom. Honey this place is a mess. We just found a girl in Sam's room. Are you hiding anyone in here?" I blushed, "No, Mom. I'd ask your permission before bringing a guy over." Ron smirked, "I see that blush, so there is a guy though?" I nodded, "He's a Foreign Affairs Major at college like me." Judy giggled, "What's his name?" I blanked, "Um...His name?" I caught Optimus' eye and I quickly came up with a name, "Orion Pax." Judy cooed, "A strong, handsome name. Kennedy Pax." Ron scolded her, "We haven't even met this young man. Who knows if he's right for her?" 

The doorbell rang and I heard Sam open the door as Ron and Judy went downstairs to see who it was. I noticed that the Autobots were gone and I looked out the window to see men with guns running through the yard. I gritted my teeth and put the glasses in my jacket pocket. "Don't you go into my daughter's room!" I heard Ron yell and I climbed out the window as a man yelled at me, "Stop her!" I ran through the yard, but was quickly tackled, "Let go of me you piece of shit!" A man walked over, "Ah. Kennedy Yeager. So it's true. Miss Texas of four years. You are beautiful." I spit in the man's face and he slapped me before scanning me with a device, causing it to beep rapidly, "Twenty-five rads! She's hot! Tag her and bag her!" I struggled against two men and I saw that Optimus looked angry from where they were hiding. I ripped my arm out of a man's grip and punched him in the face before hitting the other one and running again. 

Another man grabbed me and stuck a tazer in my side, clicking the button. I yelled in pain, causing Sam to yell my name, "Let my sister go!" Ron yelled and struggled, "Get off of my daughter!" The man tazed me again and I dropped to my knees, gasping in pain as I couldn't fight them anymore as they dragged me to the same SUV as Sam and Kaela.

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