Chapter 32: The Serpent's Den

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Luna arched an eyebrow, her gaze fixed on the soldier advancing toward her horse. "Sorcery? No, just a well-honed skill with a blade," she replied, her tone steady and unwavering.

The soldier halted, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Don't play games, girl. You'll pay for what you've done to our commander," he threatened, raising his sword menacingly.

Luna remained unfazed, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "I don't have time for this," she muttered under her breath, after hearing a growl from her stomach.

Before the soldier could make another move, Luna swiftly drew her sword and pointed it at him. "Last chance," she warned, her voice laced with authority. "What do you want from this family?"

With a determined glint in her eyes, Luna leaped from her horse, her sword flashing in the dim light. "Enough!" she declared, her voice ringing out with authority.

The soldiers charged toward her, their weapons poised for attack. Luna braced herself, her muscles coiled like a spring ready to release.

As the first soldier approached, Luna's heart pounded in her chest. With a swift motion, she swung her sword downward, aiming for the soldier's head.

With a swift and practiced motion, the soldier raised his sword to meet Luna's attack. Metal clashed against metal as their weapons collided, the sound echoing through the air.

"You think you can best me, girl?" the soldier sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance.Luna stood her ground against the soldier's futile attempts to overpower her. As he struggled to push her back, Luna channeled her inner strength, igniting the edge of her sword in a blazing inferno.

"You think you can intimidate me with your brute strength?" Luna retorted, her voice unwavering despite the intensity of the situation.

The soldier's eyes widened in shock as he witnessed Luna's sword slice through his own weapon with ease, the flames leaving a trail of scorching heat in their wake.

"No!" he cried out in desperation as Luna's fiery blade descended upon him with swift and lethal precision, cleaving through his body and sending him crashing to the ground in two halves.

Luna's gaze pierced through the remaining soldiers, her eyes reflecting the intensity of her resolve. As they witnessed the fiery demise of their fallen comrade, a chill ran down their spines.

"I'm not in a good mood," Luna declared, her voice laced with an unmistakable warning.

"She's a sorcerer. Return to the kingdom," one of the soldiers urged his companions, his voice trembling with fear.

Without hesitation, the soldiers mounted their horses, their frantic movements betraying their sense of urgency to escape the wrath of the sorceress before them. With a thunderous roar, the horses galloped away, their hooves kicking up clouds of dust as they fled back toward the safety of their kingdom.

Luna wasted no time in pursuit. As she rode, her sword transformed into a bow, and she effortlessly summoned an arrow to her hand. With practiced ease, Luna nocked the arrow and took aim at the fleeing soldiers.

"You won't escape," Luna muttered under her breath, her consciousness fading away due to her lack of food and water.

With a deep breath, she released the arrow, watching as it soared through the air with deadly accuracy. One by one, each soldier fell to the ground, their cries of surprise and pain echoing through the air.

"We thank you for risking your life for us. How can we repay you?" the woman asked, her voice filled with genuine gratitude.

Luna shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "There's no need for repayment," she replied softly. "I couldn't stand by and watch while you were being attacked. Helping you was the right thing to do."

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