Chapter 14

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"Why do these unpleasant interruptions plague our plans?" Apex, seething with frustration, bellowed as he sprinted toward Sebastian at a blistering speed. "Ryo, I'll handle him. Be prepared to resume the soul pet transfer," he directed, urgency evident in his voice. As Apex moved, his complexion darkened, and his body underwent a substantial increase, hardening to an impenetrable state. Simultaneously, Ryo attended to the wounded girl, meticulously observing the unfolding confrontation to seize the opportune moment to complete the soul pet transfer.

Sebastian adeptly avoided Apex's relentless assaults, cradling the unconscious William in his arms. Frustrated by Sebastian's elusive maneuvers, Apex demanded, "Put him down and face me." Complying with the demand, Sebastian carefully placed William on the ground. As Apex swung his sword, Sebastian intercepted with his palm, delivering a forceful counterattack to Apex's abdomen. Despite the formidable hardening of his body, Sebastian's assault penetrated with unexpected ease, breaching the seemingly impervious defenses that Apex had summoned. Coughing up blood, Apex staggered back, leaving his sword firmly in Sebastian's grasp.

Meanwhile, seizing the opportune moment, Ryo made a decisive move towards William. However, Sebastian, wielding Apex's sword, swiftly intervened, severing Ryo's arm in a single decisive motion. Ryo's anguished scream filled the air as he attempted to cast a spell with his remaining arm, only to be impaled and struck by Sebastian. Sent hurtling into a hillside, Ryo's severed arm glowed before exploding, casting a grisly spectacle of blood.

In the wake of the explosion, five soul pets materialized. Apex, consumed by rage, screamed a menacing threat and charged once again toward Sebastian. Sebastian, discarding Apex's sword with a calculated flick, surged forward with determined agility. Their clash was not just physical but a collision of formidable forces, creating a shockwave that resonated through the battleground. The rhythm of their fight unfolded in a symphony of punches, an intricate dance where each strike held the weight of their formidable strength. With every exchange, the air crackled with the intensity of their contest, neither combatant displaying any urgency to yield.

Amid the relentless exchange of blows, Apex's laughter reverberated through the battlefield, a testament to his genuine enjoyment of the escalating confrontation. His punches were not merely strikes but expressions of the sheer pleasure he derived from the fight. Even as Sebastian reciprocated with unwavering determination, Apex reveled in the thrill of the ongoing battle, a tangible joy evident in every calculated move.

As the relentless exchange of punches continued, Apex, displaying both resilience and amusement, taunted Sebastian with a question that echoed through the charged atmosphere. "How long are you gonna keep this up?" he asked, his voice laden with both challenge and amusement. The question hung in the air, a rhetorical query that expressed the enduring nature of their confrontation, a test of stamina, skill, and the sheer enjoyment derived from the artistry of combat.

Alex deftly intercepted Sebastian's punch, effortlessly hurling him into the air with a calculated motion. In a synchronized response, he called out to Ryo, the strategic mastermind of the trio. Ryo, in turn, commanded one of the five summoned soul pets, a majestic Siberian tiger, to assail Sebastian in mid-air. Sebastian, plummeting towards the ground, remained composed. With an air of calm determination, he uttered the incantation, 'El Thor.' A mystical sigil materialized above both Apex and the oncoming Siberian tiger, heralding the fusion of lightning and thunder. The elemental forces descended with impending force, poised to strike the adversaries below.

However, the unforeseen intervened as the girl emitted a piercing scream, unleashing shockwaves that rippled through the battlefield. The disruptive force propelled Sebastian away, abruptly halting his incantation mid-execution. Apex seized this opportune moment, closing the distance and delivering a powerful punch. Sebastian, attempting to parry with both hands, found himself forcefully pushed back by the sheer momentum of Apex's assault.

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