Chapter 13

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Accelerating swiftly with the aid of her wind manipulation, Luna quickly arrived at the city's outskirts. Positioned just beyond a hill, a missile launcher came into view, accompanied by three individuals—two males and a female. Engrossed in their activities, one of the males, holding a tablet, directed his companion's attention. "Hey, take a look at this," he exclaimed, presenting the tablet to the other male. Suddenly, both men shifted their gaze towards Luna in the sky. "There she is," one of them declared, pointing decisively at her airborne presence

Luna swiftly infiltrated the tablet's system, seizing control of the missile launcher, and then destroyed the device before it could pose a further threat. However, as she dismantled the tablet in the man's grasp, the girl among them swiftly made a bold leap toward Luna. "See, she's come to us," she proclaimed to her companions. Closing the distance, she brandished a sword, her intentions shrouded in silence despite Luna's inquiries. Engaged in combat, the girl swung her blade at Luna, who skillfully parried the attack. "Perhaps if you comply with our demands, your life might be spared," the assailant stated, fixing a firm gaze upon Luna. Reacting swiftly, Luna pushed her adversary back and moved to counter, yet a sudden force bore down upon her, causing her to stagger and collapse to the ground.

"Gravity," Luna exclaimed as the girl gracefully landed before her, wearing a confident smile. Confirming Luna's insight, the girl acknowledged the authenticity of her power—gravity. With an assertive grip on Luna's chin, she compelled her to meet her gaze. Despite Luna's state, she managed to inquire, "What do you want?" In response, the girl chuckled and disclosed their interest in Luna's powerful soul pet, proposing that surrendering it would secure her survival. Faced with a critical decision between her spirit companion, Spirit, or the formidable Phoenix, Luna found herself grappling with a dilemma. Luna had no intention of giving up her soul pet. Undeterred by her current physical strain, Luna groaned while attempting to rise. The girl informed Luna that her attempts were futile and that she would remain on the ground. Luna, however, was not one to yield easily. The girl, observing Luna's unwavering determination, grew agitated and intensified the gravitational force upon her.

Amidst the confrontation, Luna nonchalantly remarked to the girl, "I just bought this dress, you know," eliciting disbelief from her adversary. In her compromised state, instead of prioritizing her safety, Luna amusingly focused on the state of her attire. Before the girl could respond, a sudden and sharp pain surged through her shoulder, prompting a loud scream. The gravitational influence on Luna abruptly dissipated, granting her freedom. Luna identified the source of her deliverance—a short sword embedded in the girl's shoulder. Rising with a triumphant smile, Luna recognized the handle of the weapon and greeted William with gratitude, "Hey, thanks." The girl, nursing her wound, hastily retreated to her allies, leaving Luna and William to navigate the aftermath of the encounter.

"Leave this place," commanded William. He then directed a group of individuals clad in suits to pursue the people. Luna poised herself to speak, but William's stern admonition interrupted her, "This territory is under our jurisdiction. Depart immediately." Luna, choosing not to engage further, silently averted her gaze and ascended into the sky.

While soaring through the skies, Luna discerned the ominous glint of a firearm trained on her. Abruptly halting, she focused on the source—a female figure wielding a Kilo 141 assault rifle. Puzzled by the escalating confrontations, Luna muttered to herself, "What do these people want from me?" Swiftly closing the distance, Luna seized the girl by her collar, prompting others in the vicinity to level their guns in her direction. Assertively, Luna inquired, "What do you also want from me?" The girl, unfazed by Luna's questioning, asserted that Luna was an outsider in this section of the city, now claimed by the Crimson Syndicate. The girl contended that Luna's affiliation with the Jade Lotus rendered her unwelcome. "I belong to no faction," Luna retorted. The girl, dismissing Luna's denial with a chuckle, branded her a liar and speculated about Luna being a spy sent by the Jade Lotus. Luna attempted to refute the claim but was abruptly cut off as the girl struck her with the rifle's butt. To the girl's astonishment, Luna displayed resilience, rendering the attack ineffectual. Faced with Luna's unwavering resolve, the girl's demeanor shifted from aggression to fear. "I told you, I am not aligned with anyone," Luna declared with a steely undertone. Flames flickered to life on her hands, only to be extinguished upon hearing a familiar voice that interrupted the escalating tension.

"What is going on?" Emily inquired with a furrowed brow. Spotting Luna amid the unfolding scenario, Emily's expression softened into a smile as she greeted Luna and inquired about her well-being. Just as Luna began to respond, a familiar ring emanated from her pocket, drawing her attention to Quinn's incoming call. Politely releasing the girl, Luna signaled a brief farewell to Emily, assuring her of a later meeting, before gracefully taking flight into the sky once more. 

"Are you okay?" Quinn's voice conveyed genuine concern. Luna reassured her that she was fine, to which Quinn responded with heartfelt concern, "Whatever you're engaged in, ensure you return unharmed." Luna, with a tone of assurance, told Quinn not to worry. In the midst of their conversation, a distinct masculine voice resonated within Luna's thoughts. Telling Quinn that she would catch up with her later, Luna found herself compelled to attend to the persistent voice that echoed in her mind. Scanning her surroundings, Luna sought the source of the mysterious voice but found no one in proximity.

"I am the celestial," his voice resonated, leaving Luna taken aback. Inquiring about his sudden communication, Luna listened intently. He unveiled the true identity of the people—those she encountered were soul hunters, seekers of people's soul pets. Confused about how individuals acquired soul pets in this realm, Luna questioned the celestial about the soul hunter's motives. He clarified, "Most people have enhanced their soul pets," prompting Luna to acknowledge the validity of his point. "William and his companions are not strong enough to contend with the two adversaries. I strongly recommend you lend them your assistance. If his soul pet is seized, it will inflict damage on his soul, rendering him unconscious for a considerable duration. Moreover, do not harbor the misconception that the Phoenix flame can fully remedy the situation. With only a single shard of the Phoenix, its healing capabilities will be limited, addressing only a fraction of his damaged soul." Determined, Luna affirmed her commitment to comply with the celestial's counsel and began to advance towards William's location.

The celestial, however, presented another dilemma—Sebastian's clone was en route with a shard of the Phoenix, and he wasn't alone. Luna faced a decision: go after the shard or assist William. Acknowledging the potential trouble if the shard fell into the wrong hands, Luna summoned Sebastian and headed towards the clone, determined to secure the precious Phoenix shard before any unforeseen consequences unfolded. The celestial assured Luna of further guidance after the task was completed, leaving her with a weighty choice and a mission ahead.

"Is everyone okay?" Luna inquired anxiously. Sebastian promptly reassured her, confirming the safety of everyone without any casualties. Directing Sebastian's attention toward William and his allies' location, Luna commanded, "Proceed in that direction. Safeguard William and those with him." Acknowledging Luna's directive, Sebastian pledged his compliance and swiftly darted towards the designated destination. However, a sudden realization dawned upon Luna—she lacked knowledge of Sebastian's clone's whereabouts. A brief moment of panic gripped her until another revelation alleviated her concern. Given that the clone was approaching her, all she needed to do was await its arrival. With this understanding, Luna resumed her advance towards William's location, confident that Sebastian's clone would soon be within reach.

William found himself in a fierce struggle against the three soul hunters, with the previously injured girl now fully healed. Amidst the clash, she taunted, "Bringing people without soul pets against us was a mistake. Did you truly believe guns alone could capture us? You must be jesting. Do you perceive us as that feeble?" Unrelenting, the girl continued her verbal assault while skillfully wielding her sword. Adding a gravitational force to each swing, she forced William to constantly parry, pushing him back with each attack. His comrades lay on the ground defeated, however, they were alive.

The other two soul hunters observed the battle from a distance, seemingly indifferent to the unfolding combat. The girl persisted with her mockery, suggesting that William should have brought the girl, Luna for a better chance. Evading a swing, William countered, prompting a smirk from the girl who cautioned, "I don't think that's a good idea." Reacting swiftly, William retreated just as the girl unleashed a gravitational force, altering the terrain.

In a strategic move, William's serpent enveloped him in protective scales, launching them towards the girl. Unfazed, she repelled the scales with her power, dismissing them as insufficient. Unbeknownst to her, scales from the ground shot upwards, catching her off guard. The scales, now forming a makeshift sword, sliced into the girl's shoulder, eliciting a cry of pain. Seizing the opportunity, William charged, but the girl's comrades intervened. One disarmed William and signaled the other to proceed. As the second soul hunter placed his palm on William's chest, initiating the process of stealing his serpent, thunder cracked the air. In a dramatic entrance, Sebastian materialized, swiftly carrying William away from the imminent threat, disrupting the soul hunters' nefarious plan.

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