Chapter 12

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Kenji guided Luna into the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor and leaving the other girl behind. "Could you please enlighten me on what's happening?" Luna asked politely, but Kenji ignored her, creating an awkward silence between them. Attempting to break the tension, Luna asked, "Are you still upset about losing to me?" Kenji frowned, turning to face her. Luna, nervous, offered a smile as he approached. Kenji warned her not to disclose their fight to anyone. "Alright, alright," Luna reassured him, attempting to playfully push him back, though Kenji stood firm, locking eyes with her. As confusion filled Luna's thoughts, she wondered, "What the heck is going on?"

Closing in on her, Kenji pressed Luna against the elevator wall, prompting her to nervously question his actions. "How did you do it?" Kenji demanded, leaving Luna puzzled. In response, she inquired about what he was referring to.  He said, "Quinn's stomach. How did you do that?" Luna, still uneasy, questioned how their proximity would lead to the answers he sought. Frustrated, Kenji struck the elevator wall, insisting she answers. Abruptly, the elevator halted, its doors opening to onlookers, surprised by the encounter. Angrily, Kenji addressed the staring crowd, questioning their gaze. The spectators swiftly dispersed, returning to their duties. Taking hold of Luna, Kenji directed her to his office, despite lingering glances from some of the bystanders.

"Why go through all this trouble of bringing me here instead of asking me in Quinn's presence?" Luna inquired as Kenji closed the door, ensuring privacy. Once certain they were alone, Kenji admitted that his earlier statement about Luna trying their new design was the reason he brought her here. Seated at his desk, he urged Luna to answer his question. Luna began to ask, but Kenji abruptly pierced his hand with a pen. Shocked, Luna rushed to his side, using her healing skill to alleviate his pain as she removed the pen. Kenji, smiling, gazed at Luna's face as she tended to him. However, their moment was interrupted when Ava, the angry girl, burst into the office. Witnessing the scene, she screamed at Luna to stay away from Kenji and forcefully propelled her into a wall using her wind ability.

Ava hurried to Kenji's side to lend assistance, only to be astonished as she found his hand in perfect condition, elegantly enveloped by a coiled branch. "The element of life," he calmly stated. Luna, now seated, inquired about his well-being. "I thought you used cursed energy," Kenji remarked. Luna, intrigued, questioned why that would be an issue. Ava interjected, explaining that cursed energy could have negative effects on individuals. Luna then sought clarification, asking whether Kenji's caution stemmed from his belief that she used cursed energy. "I had to be careful," he replied.

"What is it?" Kenji focused on Ava's announcement that someone wished to meet him. "Tell them to wait," he instructed. Kenji then dismissed Ava, who apologized to Luna. Luna reassured her not to worry, and Ava left. Once alone, Kenji extended a hand to assist Luna.

In the quiet confines of Kenji's office, Luna and Kenji found themselves amid a conversation that held the potential to redefine Luna's path. The air was thick with unspoken questions as Kenji cut to the chase.

"I want you to work for me," Kenji declared, his gaze steady on Luna. The words hung in the air, prompting Luna to inquire about the motives behind this unexpected proposition.

Kenji leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I don't want it to seem like you're begging from the Hector family," he admitted, addressing the elephant in the room. Luna regarded him with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. The acknowledgment that her acceptance of the job could be misconstrued as dependency on the Hector family added a layer of complexity to the situation.

Kenji, recognizing Luna's unspoken questions, continued to explain his perspective. "You have the skills and abilities that can contribute significantly to the kind of work I'm involved in. Working for me would not be a mere favor; it would be a partnership where your unique strengths can be utilized to their fullest potential."

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