Chapter 25: The Book

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As I turned, I heard a voice calling my name. It was Azurea Drakara, the person from the image the celestial had shown me. I raised the image, confirming her identity. Azure approached, curious about my actions.

"What are you doing?" she inquired.

"I'm verifying if you're the person the celestial mentioned," I replied, showing her the image.

With a nod of understanding, Azure introduced herself. "My name is Azurea Drakara, but you can call me Azure. One of my people was captured. I know where she is, but her captors have powerful soul-pets. That's why I need your help."

I contemplated her words. "Can't the others help?" I asked, curious about their absence.

Azure's expression turned grave. "I wouldn't be here if that were the case," she replied, her tone weighted with urgency.

I sighed inwardly, feeling the weight of responsibility. "When do you plan to rescue her?" I inquired.

"Before the end of today," Azure replied resolutely. "I have no idea what they will do to her, and I can't wait."

Concern etched my brow as I pressed for more details. "Do you know the people that captured her?" I inquired, hoping for actionable information.

Azure nodded firmly. "I know they are not officials, so we won't be causing any trouble in this country," she assured me, her tone tinged with determination.

I leaned in, intent on gathering as much information as possible. "Can you describe her?" I asked, knowing that identifying her would be crucial in orchestrating a rescue mission.

"Blue hair, hazel eyes. She has bandages on both her arms," Azure provided her words painting a vivid picture of the captive's appearance.

As if anticipating my request, Raphael swiftly displayed a panel revealing a live feed from the girl's prison. She was bound by chains, a captive in her torment. With a determined nod, I instructed Raphael to transfer the video to my mobile phone.

I presented the footage to Azure, seeking confirmation of the captive's identity. As she affirmed with a solemn nod, I couldn't help but notice the fury etched across her features.

"How did you do this?" Azure's voice trembled with a mixture of awe and disbelief as she grasped my phone.

"I have resources," I replied, knowing the time for action was upon us.

As voices emanated from the video, Azure's anger surged. "Don't you dare touch her!" she exclaimed, her voice laden with righteous indignation, though the words fell on deaf ears.

Turning to my virtual assistant, I silently requested the identities of the perpetrators. Moments later, their images materialized before me: Lauren Ramirez and Ryan Blackwell. 

"They have a criminal record of kidnapping and trafficking," echoed Raphael's voice, a grim testament to the danger they posed.

As one of the men struck the girl, Azure's fury intensified, her resolve hardening against the injustice before us. I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

"I can unleash my soul pet to assist you," I offered, determination shining in my eyes as we prepared to confront the forces of evil.

"Unfortunately, your soul pet can't assist us unless you're with us. The distance limit between a user and their soul pet is a hindrance here," Azure explained, her tone tinged with regret.

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