82|| No Lie

281 18 2

Jeon Lilac Carter

"You sure you are the King of the Mafia world?" I asked, reading Jungkook who laid in my arms, in between on my legs with his head on my abdomen.

My hands were scratching his back, making him groan into my -his- t-shirt. That low-key sounded like a purr of a cat.

"You sound like a cat." I let him know and he chuckled, I could feel it. He turned in my arms, his head now on my hip-thigh junction.

"Lemme know if I'm crushing you." I shook my head, and he smiled, "Lions are big cats." he shrugged and I laughed nodded.

"It's almost 9, you have to get ready." I said and he groaned, "Ahhhh noooo pleaseeee." he whined like a kid, hugging my stomach. I laughed more and he smiled listening to my laughs.

"Okay okay, I have something important to work on today, can't be lazy." he said, more likely to himself and got up, pecking me on my cheek.

"Lemme-" I didn't finish the sentence but walked behind him.

Jungkook already showered, but then decided to cuddle for some time. I walked closely behind him, as he selected his shirt, trousers, watch and blazer of the day.

As soon as he wore the shirt, I stepped in front of him, my fingers finding his buttons to do it for him. He chuckled, doing his cuff buttons.

While buttoning, my eyes fell on that one scar on his lower chest. It was almost gone, faded. My hands slowly traced that and Jungkook noticed me a second later. He gently held my hand and I scoffed, sadly.

"Still feels like I never knew you enough." my breat hitched and I gulped. "It's not like that, love." he defended and I looked up at him.

"Like what, Jeon?" I looked down, my head hit his chest as I rested like that for a while. My hands still continuing to button the rest.

"You might have not known that before, but now there are no secrets between us... Right? You know the me that no one actually knows." I look up, frowning.

"The purring ca- I mean lion." I chuckled, reaching for his tie while he tucked in his shirt.

"No lie~" Jungkook sang as I laughed, "Feel your eyes, they're all over me," he nudged at me as he bent his head for me to round the tie around his neck.

"Don't be shy, take control of me," I continued and he pulled me closer by his waist. My hands worked on his tie as he swayed our hips to the imaginary beat.

"Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight."

"No lieeeee." I ended and we giggled together.

"Gonna be back early today, eat well okay." Jungkook said, buckling up his watch and I nod. I held up then blazer for him as he quickly put it on and turned to peck my lips.

"Gonna mish you." I smiled, scrunching my nose and nod. "We will too." I replied and he smiled brightly before getting on his knees.

"Bye-bye baby." he cooed and lifted my shirt to peck my stomach. That made me smile adorably at him.

We walked down the stairs as Bam rushed over to me, wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out.

"Bye Bammie," Jungkook said, catching his attention as I reached out for the car key for him.

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