41|| Like A Teen

414 20 2

Inha Choi

"Master!" The young man dressed in his all formals sat on his knee, bowing to his boss.

"What's it Zane?" Said the one who had his back faced at the male supposedly named Zane.

"All the missions given to Bangtan by MUC are perfectly done by them, Sir. With your permission, should I create chaos for them?" Zane asked after standing up from the floor. The unknown man was still sipping onto the whisky while gazing the city's view.

"Nah nah nah!" The supposed boss clicked his tongue. Zane could see the smirk in the boss's reflection. "Not so easily my friend!" He finally turned to face the other male.

The temperature of the room dropped down making a shiver ran down Zane's spine. Even though he personally knew this Man for more than his half of the lifetime, it was always scary for him.

"Zane, my dear Zane!" The boss started. "You know what? Im doing this for me, as well my father... 2 generation's revenge shouldn't be this quick! Why are you soo in hurry? Are you loosing any flight?" He asked, walking extremely close to the other male making him tremble under his gaze.

Zane shook his head, trying to not show his trembling self. "Then? Let's take our ow~n time and do stuff.. what say?" He asked in a joyful tone with his voice dropped to whispers.

"Y-yes master.." the brown headed man said but the glare shot by the dirty blonded male made him bend his head down in fear of his life.

"Master is for them you are afraid of me... But you are my right hand Zane... You shouldn't be trembling because of me... You know what? Why should we tremble when we can make the world?" The man's laugh turned evil and dark.

"You get it Zane?"

"Y-yes Hyungseok!" The trembling male corrected himself, satisfying the other one. Hyungseok on the other hand, turned back to the window and took the last swig of the whiskey in his glass, before emptying the glass with a huge grin dancing on his face.

Jeon Lilac Carter

"When will the new episode come!?" I whined making the younger one sigh.

"Unniee if you are done with your work, that doesn't mean that you'll disturb meeee~! Oppa's gonna kill me if i dont write a review for this presentation." She whined making me chuckle. Feels like the roles changed.

"You are acting like a girl in her teens, who got accepted by her crush like seriously!!" Jae said and rested back on her chair, before pushing herself far from her desk.

"I thought you have works to be done!" I glared at her playfully making her giggle. "My loser brother's love life is much important!" Jae said before pulling herself towards me on the revolving chair i had in my room, for Jungkook.

"So! What exactly happened!?" Her doe eyes similar to Jungkook's grew larger as her elbows were resting upon my white desk, her palms making a plank so that her face could rest upon it. She blinked her eyes a few time, asking me to continue. She is a copy of her brother.

I pulled my face closer to her's, as if i was going to say something confidential. Jae's cute face was contented with excitement while she waited for me to tell her. Little did she know..

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