28|| Caring Husband

487 26 30

Jeon Jungkook

I waited for Lily to come back and resume to drama. 5 minutes passed by but she didn't. Before i could get up and check on her by myself, i recieved a text from her. I looked at the contact from the notification on the lock screen and unlocked my phone.

Double tapping on that message i read it.

Continue watching..
I will sleep.. :)

I frowned at this text and ran upstairs. I slowly opened the door and got in. The lights were out and the curtains were closed, resulting absolute darkness.

Since i knew each and every step of this room, i took my steps towards the bed, where Lily was sleeping.

"Lily-ah?" I call her and peeped, trying to figure out if she's actually sleeping or not. How can someone sleep in like 2 minutes after sending a text?

"Hmm?" She hummed and turned to look at me. She was swaddled into duvets like a newborn baby. My baby.

"Are you okay?" I ask turning on the bed light. I slowly sat beside her and she nod her head. Lies..

"What's wrong? Headache? Stomach ache? Back pain?" I kept on questioning her and she shook her head for everything... Wait is it her-

"Did you get your periods?" I question and her eyes widen. Why do girls hesitate about talking about periods?

"Are you on your periods?" I question again getting a nod. "Lily... I want you to be frank with me.." i said with a sigh. She shook her head and turned to me, properly.

"Hey I'm fine about talking about my periods ok!" She spat and i laugh.. she isn't like others..

"Ok soo... Tell me about it... Does it pain a lot for you?"

"Yes... Especially now that i took pills to postpone these." She sighed, my eyebrows frown and anger rushed in my veins.

"You took pills? For what?" Words came out from my mouth out of pure anger. You shouldn't interfere with your body cycle!

"I had an important presentation and my periods actually had to come on the same date. So to avoid accidents I took pills." She said with a shrug. I can't believe this girl!

"You are so stupid aren't you?" I said, while walking towards my closet. "You dare to say what?" I heard her scream. I could see her sitting up from her reflection on the glare closet doors.

"I dare to say that you are stupid and dumb to interfere into your health. You shouldn't."

"Says a man who doesn't need to go through this-" her sentence was cut with her groan. I stopped my searching and rushed to her.

Her hand gripped her abdomen and she sat there. Seems like she tried walking.

"You are- Nevermind..." I lift her leg and placed it again on the bed. I made her lean against the headboard. "Stay here and don't you dare to walk around." I warned her with my cold voice. I can't see her hurt.

I walked back to my closet and started searching for something's which would help her. Where is it? It's not even a proper week that Jae moved out. I should have them here....
Found it!

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