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23 1 0

This unexpected encounter with Qrow left Oscar nervously slurping away at his ramen, his chopsticks clinking against the bowl. Qrow, ever nonchalant, sat beside him at the ramen bar, taking a swig from his trusty flask before casually tucking it away.

"So, who taught you to fight like that?" Qrow's curiosity was evident in his voice, his gaze fixed intently on the young farm boy. It was a question that stirred a sense of unease within Oscar, prompting a silent exchange with the voice in his head.

'Keep calm, Oscar. Just say some bullshit,' the voice advised, though Oscar couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty. 'I don't know him like you do!?'

'Fine, just repeat what I say,' the voice insisted, guiding Oscar's response.

With newfound composure, Oscar finished his ramen, setting the bowl down with practiced precision. He cleaned himself up and turned to face Qrow, his demeanor surprisingly composed. "I was self-taught," Oscar began, his tone steady. "I spent hours watching DustTube videos, trying to mimic the moves I saw. It took time, but eventually, I got the hang of it. So, why do you ask, mister?" His words were laced with a hint of casual defiance, a mask to hide his nerves.

Qrow's narrowed gaze betrayed a flicker of suspicion at the sudden change in demeanor, but he brushed it off, focusing on the matter at hand. "Alright, kid, let's cut to the chase," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. "I'm short on Huntsmen to lend a hand around Mistral. Seems like everyone's tied up elsewhere. And now, I'm resorting to recruiting kids..." He paused, running a hand wearily over his face before continuing. "So, you wanna help my group out, kid?"

"Yes!" Oscar's response was immediate and resolute, his enthusiasm catching Qrow off guard. It was a moment of unexpected determination, one that piqued the seasoned Huntsman's interest.

Oscar couldn't help but notice the surge of excitement within him, though it felt oddly like it didn't feel like his own emotions. "Sorry... I mean, yes..." he chuckled nervously, acknowledging the sudden burst of enthusiasm to Qrow.

Qrow raised an eyebrow at the kid's abrupt change in demeanor. "You're a weird one, kid," he remarked, before turning and heading towards the exit. "Come on, let's go," he called back, and Oscar hastened to follow. As they walked through the night-lit streets of Mistral, vibrant with activity and life, Oscar found himself drawn into the city's nocturnal energy.

"So, kid, why do you wanna be a Huntsman?" Qrow's question lingered in the air, prompting Oscar to wrestle with his response.

"I always have," Oscar began tentatively, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Just recently, I realized I might be strong enough to be a Huntsman... so, I wanted to put it to the test." His answer felt incomplete, wavering between doubt and determination.

Qrow chuckled in response, his eyes scanning the young boy beside him with a mix of admiration and intrigue. "Really? You just figured that out, huh?" he mused, impressed by Oscar's modesty despite his evident prowess. "Took down a notorious thief with a punch that could send a Ursa major flying..."

Oscar's cheeks flushed slightly at the praise, his gaze fixed on the ground as he continued. "Oh, uh, my Aunt used to read me stories and old comic books about heroes, like Super Huntsman Man," he added, hoping to provide some semblance of an explanation.

Qrow's surprise was evident as he paused, processing Oscar's revelation. "Super Huntsman Man? Haven't heard about that comic in ages," he chuckled, a hint of nostalgia coloring his tone. "It was popular when I was young."

In Oscar's mind, a brief exchange between him and the voice echoed. 'I just went through your memories, and that comic about Super Huntsman Man sucks,' the voice remarked, its disdain evident. Oscar, however, remained defensive. 'Hey! I love that comic, I grew up with it,' he retorted, unwilling to let go of his childhood favorite.

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