Leaving Home

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As the evening progressed, Oscar found himself seated at the dinner table, his aunt's presence across from him, his aunt – or rather, the woman who Orion thinks looks very hot and familiar– regarded him with a warm smile, her features illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight.

Oscar's Aunt is the hottest woman I have ever seen, but she looks familiar like I have seen her from somewhere before.

"Oscar, did you finish your chores? And did you water the oranges?" his aunt inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of concern.

Oscar's attention switched to his Aunt and answered "Yes, Aunt Pam, all watered and done," he replied, momentarily tearing his gaze away from her to focus on his meal.

As they ate, I finally figured it out, Oscar's hot Aunt is Panam from Cyberpunk, Pam = Panam. She looks like her or is her. Not sure maybe some multiversal thing. but now I don't want to leave.

Eventually, supper drew to a close, and Oscar was in his bed, with his belongings packed and waiting on his side, he settled beneath the covers, the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon him as he drifted into an uneasy slumber, especially with the voice talking in his head.

'Oscar your aunt's hot.'

"Please shut up." Oscar thinks and then wraps his head in a pillow hoping to block the voice in his head. But that doesn't stop the voice from ogling his Aunt in his mind.




In the crisp morning air, Oscar and I set off from the farm, leaving behind the familiar sights and sounds of home. As the farmhouse grew smaller in the distance, a pang of nostalgia tugged at Oscar's heart, a mix of sadness and excitement swirling within him. Tightening his backpack straps, he pressed forward, determined to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead.

"It feels weird leaving home," Oscar remarked, his voice tinged with melancholy. "But in a way, I feel like I'm doing something greater."

Hoping to lift his spirits, I chimed in, 'Maybe, but from what I know, your life is going to be crazy and awesome.'

Oscar's face brightened slightly at the prospect. "How?" he asked eagerly, craving a glimpse into his future.

'Well, I'm no psychic, but I know you got beat up a lot... actually, maybe not so awesome,' I admitted, my optimism faltering momentarily. 'But with me, you're not going to be like your counterpart. I'll make sure of it.'

Oscar's smile turned bittersweet as he absorbed my words. "So, you said some old wizard was supposed to be in my head instead of you?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

'Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon, was a reincarnating wizard who has lived on Remnant for I don't know how long,' I explained. 'But I'm not sure why I'm here instead of him. It's one of life's greatest mysteries.'

As we journeyed onward, thoughts of Ozpin and the mysteries surrounding his disappearance weighed heavily on my mind. The realization dawned on me: I was trapped in a RWBY fanfic, and that was the only reason why I was here, to take Ozpins place, I also did say it would be cool to live in Remnant so there's that too. Whelp nothing I can do now but help guide Oscar in stopping Salem and saving Remnant.

'Oscar, are you ready to save the world from an evil witch?' I asked, the gravity of our mission sinking in.

At my words, Oscar came to a sudden halt, his expression a mixture of shock and stone. Without a word, he spun on his heel and began to make a U-turn back toward home.

As our journey continued, I managed to convince Oscar of the importance of our mission, despite his reluctance. "I can't believe I agreed to this," he muttered, his voice laden with uncertainty and apprehension.

RWBY: A Different SoulOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz