Falling In

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The door creaked open, admitting a young man with tousled black hair and weary brown eyes. Sweat glistened on his brow as he stepped inside, setting down his backpack and a large red duffle bag near the closet. A voice from the kitchen called out, "Sweetie, is that you?"

"Yeah, I'm home, Ma," he replied, his voice tinged with exhaustion. He made his way past the kitchen where his mother was busy at the sink, the sound of running water mingling with the clatter of dishes.

"How was school?" his mother inquired, her voice warm with motherly concern.

"Good, same old, same old," he answered with a shrug, his attention already drifting towards the stairs.

"And how was practice?" she pressed, her curiosity evident in her tone.

"Fine, just an easy day today," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of his weariness.

As the conversation faded into silence, the young man took it as his cue to escape to his room. With a heavy sigh, he flopped onto his bed, the day's exhaustion weighing heavily upon him. He lay there for a moment, as he relished the quiet solitude of his own space. Eventually, sleep overtook him.

Some hours later

As I stirred from my nap, rubbing the remnants of sleep from my eyes, I reached for my phone nestled in my pocket. With a flick of my thumb, I unlocked the screen, delving into the world of fanfiction centered around RWBY. As I immersed myself in fanfics, a wistful thought crossed my mind. "You know, it would be pretty cool to live in Remnant," I mused aloud to no one in particular. "Fighting Grimm and wielding awesome weapons..."

With a wry smile, I tucked my phone away and rose from my bed, stretching my limbs in the warmth of the afternoon sunlight streaming through the window. Sauntering over to the open window, I leaned against the sill. The sun is shining bright on the suburbs.

Lost in thought, I found myself gazing out at the sunny landscape, a sense of longing stirring within me. "I wish I was in Remnant," I whispered to myself, a fleeting desire borne from the depths of my imagination. Shaking my head with a chuckle, I dismissed the notion as nothing more than a whimsical daydream. After all, those wishes were just fiction.

As I ambled through the house, my feet padding softly against the cool tiled floor, I stumbled upon a familiar sight – my two Boston terriers engrossed in a playful frenzy with their toys. With a fond smile, I watched as they zoomed around the room, their antics a testament to their boundless energy and irrepressible charm. But amidst the endearing chaos, my gaze fell upon something decidedly less adorable – a sizable mound of dog shit on the carpet.

"Now, I really wish I was in Remnant," I muttered wryly to myself, resigned to the less glamorous duties of pet ownership. With a resigned sigh, I made my way to the bathroom, intent on retrieving the necessary cleaning supplies to tackle the unfortunate mess.

As I reached for the doorknob, my hand froze mid-air, a sudden flicker of movement catching my eye. With a furrowed brow, I peered into the bathroom, only to find my expectations shattered by a startling sight – a swirling vortex of brilliant blue light, pulsating ominously. Then a gust of wind pulled me in from the portal.

In a desperate bid to anchor myself against my fall, I reached out with trembling fingers, grasping desperately at the portal's rim. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, I clung to the edge with all my strength, my heart pounding in my chest as I teetered on the precipice between worlds. With one hand in reality and the other in the unknown abyss of the portal, I braced myself as I held on, the portal sucking me into a whirlwind inside. But I was not strong enough to hold onto the edge of the portal.

As I was fully engulfed by the swirling vortex, I watched in awe as the portal sealed shut behind me, cutting off any retreat to the familiar confines of my home. Turning my gaze forward, I found myself engulfed in a maelstrom of vibrant energy, each hue blending seamlessly into the next as I tumbled helplessly through the ethereal currents. The world spun around me in a dizzying blur, the sensation of weightlessness leaving me disoriented and breathless.

With each revolution, the whirlwind of energy grew more intense, its chaotic dance threatening to consume me entirely. As I was in the maelstrom of energy, I felt it pour into me. I felt myself being pulled deeper into the heart of the tempest, the darkness closing in around me like an impenetrable shroud. As I plummeted into the abyss, the cacophony of colors and sounds faded away, leaving nothing but an eerie silence in its wake.

Suddenly, I found myself enveloped in total darkness, the absence of light swallowing me whole. Panic surged through my veins as I struggled to orient myself in the void, the oppressive blackness pressing in from all sides. With no point of reference to cling to, I was left adrift in an endless sea of nothingness, my senses dulled by the oppressive weight of the void.

Alone in the abyss, I could only wait in trepidation, wondering what fate awaited me on the other side of the darkness. Uncertainty hung heavy in the air.

...Until... a... voice...



...You are chosen as his guide and power...



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