Chapter 42 - Everything's Black

Start from the beginning

"You guys have got to figure it out." I tell her turning back around to face the front.

"I second that." Noah mutters as he stops the car.

"We're going away this weekend so I'll talk to him then. Y'all can get off my back now." Sadie sighs unbuckling her belt. "Thanks for the lift Noah and the stern talking to. I appreciate it." She rolls her eyes hopping out the car closing the door behind her.

"Thanks for the lift. I'll call you when we're done?" I ask unbuckling my own belt from me.

"Perfect babe. Have fun. I love you." He says kissing me on the lips.

"I love you too, enjoy grocery shopping." I say closing the car door with a smile then giving Noah a wave goodbye as he pulls off out the car park.

"You ready?" Sadie asks as I turn to her pulling the shades over my eyes.

"Yes, let's go."


"Woah... you can't walk anywhere in London and get a view like this." Sadie says as we stop for a breath.

"It's beautiful. You're right London doesn't do it the same way." I say resting my shades on top of my head and quickly snap a couple of photos of the view then of both of us smiling at the camera.

"How much longer do you reckon till we reach the top?" Sadie asks as we start to walk further up the trail.

"Like fifteen minutes maybe?"

"How much we betting?" Sadie smirks.

"Twenty dollars." I smirk back. "Dollars! Not pounds

"Okay! I'm betting thirty minutes." She laughs as we approach a group of girls gathered in the middle of the trail. "Sorry, can we just get past you guys." Sadie smiles politely at them.

"Hey, that's the girl. You were right. It was her down there." One of the girls says as we pass. I notice Sadie giving me side eye as I pull the shades back over my eyes. "Hey!" One of the girls shouts as we continue to make our way up the trail. Sadie turns around to face them pointing to herself.

"Us?" She asks confused.

"Yeah! I've seen you guys on twitter!" The girl squeals as the group of them make their way over to us. "You date Noah right?" The girl asks. She must only be about fourteen or fifteen and clearly a fan of Bad Omens.

I look at Sadie for help but all she does is shrug.


"Can we get a photo?" The girls ask and I feel like I'm being backed into a corner. If I say no I don't want to put the guys in a bad light. I find it kinda weird that a group of teen girls would want a photo with a twenty five year old who might possibly be dating the singer in a band they like.

"Sure, we'll take a photo with you." Sadie smiles kindly clearly knowing more about what to do in this situation than I do.

"So what are they like?" One of the girls asks as they start to pull out their phones.

"A big bunch of nerds. A friendly, goofy group of nerds with a wicked sense of humour and a master degree in sarcasm." Sadie replies and the girls take a couple of group photos with us.

"I really wanna see them live but I can't go without my Mom having to take me since I'm not old enough. Ain't no way I'm taking my mom to a Bad Omens concert with me." Another one of them says with a giggle.

"Girl I feel you I used to have to drag my granny along to concerts with me when I wasn't old enough to go alone. That really was something." I laugh earning a chorus of laughter from the group.

"Right, we're gonna try take on the rest of this trail. If you guys don't mind could you hold posting those photos until tomorrow?" Sadie asks gently.

"Course! It was so nice to meet you." One of them smiles.

"It was lovely to meet you guys too!" I return her smile and then Sadie and I take our leave. "I'm so happy you know how to handle those situations." I tell Sadie as we continue up the trail and Sadie starts to scroll through her phone.

"Classic P.A instincts kicking in." She laughs then quickly sighing. "Fucksake. I knew that wee blonde one had already uploaded the photos." Sadie shakes her head making her red braid swing.


"Twitter... should we just head back down?" Sadie asks and I reluctantly pull out my phone and call Noah to pick us up.

"Thats really annoying. The view from the top is insane..." I tell Sadie as the phone rings out and finally Noah answers.

"Hey baby, you done already?" Noah asks as Sadie and I turn back around to the way we came.

"Yeah, some girls took photos with us and Sadie asked them to wait till tomorrow to upload them but they put them up already."

"I'll be there in fifteen. Call me when you're at the bottom and I'll quickly park up." He replies without hesitation. "I love you."

"I love you too." I reply and hang up the phone. "This feels very dramatic for a photo." I tell Sadie.

"Yeah well these things can spiral. I've seen it a lot and it's best we leave now." Sadie huffs as she picks up the pace walking down the trail.

"It all just seems a bit much." I reply feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. "Did he say it back?"

"What?" Sadie looks confused at my question.

"Did Nick say it back? In Vegas."

"Oh... maybe." Sadie says her cheeks flushed.

"Shut up! That's so sweet. God, Sadie you really know how to complicate a situation." I nudge her making her laugh.

"So sweet. Okay southern bell you've been hanging out with these boys too much."

"Yeah, yeah, stop trying to change the subject. So what did he say?" I press Sadie's cheeks still pink.

"He said it back and then I cried. Drama queen I know but I can't have it can I? It won't work." Sadie says as she kicks a rock along the trail.

"Ugh have you looked at ways of making it work somehow?"

"We're trying to figure something out." She huffs in response.

"Yeah she's just down there! I'm sure she'll let us take a photo with her she let those other girls!!!" A voice shouts from behind us.

"Pick up the pace." Sadie hisses at me and I do as she says.

"Hey!!" A voice screeches, I can hear footsteps slamming on the ground behind me then something hard hits my back and I lose my footing.

"Fuck." I mutter as I hit the ground, reaching out for something to stop me from rolling down the trail, my legs scraping against the ground tearing my skin apart.

I can't see Sadie at all, my vision now completely blurred. I suddenly feel a sharp pain followed by pressure on the back on my head and then everything's black.

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